Dates in September
September in Song
September Birthdays
September Facts
Historic September Dates

Labor Day falls on this date in September each year.

What is the first Monday of September?


The group that sang, "September."

("Do you remember the 21st night of September....")

Who is Earth, Wind, & Fire?


This singer song-writer was played by Rami Malek in the 2018 biopic Bohemian Rhapsody.  

Who is Freddie Mercury? (born 09/05/1946)


The September birthstone.

What is sapphire?


What day in September did Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, after a 70-year reign, the longest in British history.

1. 4th

2. 8th

3. 9th

September 8, 2022


This day was declared Patriot Day in 2002.

What is September 11?


The American group that sang, "Wake Me Up When September Ends" (released in 2004)

("Summer has come and passed, The innocence can never last....") 

Who is Green Day?


She is a famous tennis player that has won 23 Grand Slam Singles.

Who is Serena Williams? September 26, 1981 


In any year, no month ends on the same weekday as September. However, each September begins on the same weekday as this winter month.

What is December?


What year did New Zealand became the first country to grant women the right to vote.

September 19th of...

1. 1893

2. 1919

3. 1902

1. 1893


The 2022 autumn equinox occurred on this date. 

What is September 22nd?


"September Morn" is a song and album by this artist released in 1979, which became an international hit.

("September morn, We danced until the night became a brand new day...")

Who is Neil Diamond?


An American singer, songwriter and actor. He began acting on Broadway at the age of seven, and released his debut single in 2002; He then formed a band with his older brothers, Kevin and Joe, known as the Jonas Brothers.

Who is Nick Jonas? September 16, 1992 


These are the two zodiac signs of September.

What is Virgo & Libra?


During what year did President Dwight Eisenhower ordered the National Guard to enforce racial integration of schools in Little Rock, Arkansas?

September 24th of..

1. 1954

2. 1959

3. 1957

3. 1957


Independence Day (Día de la Independencia) a Mexican holiday to celebrate the “cry of independence” on September 16, 1810, was started as a revolt against what country?

What is Spain?


This R&B/Soul singer recorded "September When I First Met You" in 1978.

("September, Remember?, September, Remember?, September....")

Who is Barry White?


This former SNL actor launched his movie production company in 1999 and named it in honor of his two most successful characters at the time.

Who is Adam Sandler? September 9, 1966 


This is the traditional name given to September’s full moon in the northern hemisphere.

What is the Full Corn Moon (or Barley Moon)?


What year was the year the U.S. Congress proposed 12 Amendments to the Constitution, ten of which, comprising the Bill of Rights, were ratified.

Septmeber 25th of...

1. 1764

2. 1789

3. 1753

2. 1789


We celebrate Constitution Day on this day as the anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787.

What is September 17?


"September Song" is an American standard popular song sung by this artist and is included on his 1965 album "September of My Years."

(Oh, it's a long while from May to December....)

Who is Frank Sinatra?


This Destiny's Child member was born in September.

Who is Beyoncé? September 4, 1981 


September comes from the Latin word septem, meaning this.

What is seven?


Born in 9/13/1874, what is the name of an Austrian-American composer, music theorist, teacher, writer, and painter. He is widely considered one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. He was associated with the expressionist movement in German poetry and art.

Arnold Schoenberg 
