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Baseball Basics

Guess which terms were searched the most over the last year! Category: Paint Colors

1. Sage 2. Olive 3. Blue 4. White 5. Black


To win a spelling bee, you cannot _______ any words



True or false? September is named from the latin word for "six"

False. September is named from the Latin word septem, but it means "seven," not "six." September was the seventh month before the start of the Gregorian calendar.


One of America's foremost etiquette and advice columnists was born on September 13, 1938. What name does she write under?

Miss Manners. Her given name is Judith Martin. In 2005, she was awarded the National Humanities Medal for her work.


What animal is said to have nine lives?

The cat. This phrase is even mentioned in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, when Mercutio taunts Tybalt about what he wants to take from him: "Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives."


Which team won the first World Series?

Boston Americans. They played against National League Champion Pittsburgh


Guess which terms were searched the most over the last year! Category: Car Brands

1. Tesla 2. Toyota 3. Mercedes 4. BMW 5. Audi


We'll keep debating the issue until we all agree and come to a ________



What is September's zodiac sign Libra represented by?

Scales. Libra is represented by the scales of balance. It begins on September 23 and ends on October 22. Virgo is represented by a virgin; it starts on August 23 and ends on September 22.


The first televised presidential debate occurred on September 26, 1960. Who were the candidates?

John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. Approximately 60 to 70 million viewers watched the debate.


Who wrote and sang the song "9 to 5"?

Dolly Parton. She wrote the song for the 1980 film of the same name. Parton, Jane Fonda, and Lily Tomlin star in the film, which takes place in an American office.


What player has the longest hitting streak in Major League history?

Joe DiMaggio. 56-game hitting streak in the 1941 season while playing for the New York Yankees


Guess which terms were searched the most over the last year! Category: DIY Home Projects

1. Floating Shelves 2. Closet Organizer 3. Firepit 4. Wallpaper 5. Greenhouse


It can be hard to _______ when someone is being truthful



True or false? Wealthy ancient Greeks and Romans believed that sapphires protected their owners from harm and envy.

True. At the same time, clergy members wore sapphires because they felt the stone symbolized heaven.


Little Women was published on September 30, 1868. Who wrote the novel?

Louisa May Alcott. The story focuses on the four March sisters-Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy.


What does the idiom "a stitch in time saves nine" mean?

It is better to fix a small problem early than wait because it could become a much bigger problem.


In what year did the first recorded baseball game take place?

1791. In the first known mention of the game, the city of Pittsfield, MA, banned people from playing baseball within 73 meters of the town meeting house.


Guess which terms were searched the most over the last year! Category: Food to Order

1. Pizza 2. Sushi 3. Burgers 4. Tacos 5. Ramen


If he were to _______ information, it would make it much harder to decide who is guilty.



True or false? September's birth flower aster is part of the daisy family.

True. It is a wildflower with more than 600 species and can range in color from white to red to the bluish-purple hue for which it is known.


Milton Snavely Hershey was born on September 13, 1857. What is he best known for manufacturing?

Chocolate. He endured several failed attempts at candy making before his first success, which wasn't selling chocolate but caramels.


Front nine and back nine are terms used in what sport?

Golf. They refer to the first and last nine holes of an 18-hole golf course.


What was specifically designed to be the size and weight of a baseball?

The hand grenade. It was thought that US soldiers would find baseball-shaped grenades easier to throw.


Guess which terms were searched the most over the last year! Category: Pets (Other than cat & dog)

1. Guinea Pig 2. Chinchilla 3. Bearded Dragon 4. Sugar Glider 5. Hamster


Some people prefer working for an established company to being an __________



The word September has three vowels. How many other months also have three vowels? Can you name them?

Six. January, February, August, October, November, and December also have three vowels.


Which September event occurred first in history?

A. The New York Times hit the stands for the first time.

B. Billie Jean King won the "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match.

C. Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg.

D. Babe Ruth played his last game as a New York Yankee.

(A) The New York Times hit the stands for the first time September 18, 1851. Babe Ruth played his last game as a New York Yankee on September 24, 1934. Billie Jean King defeated Bobby Riggs in the "Battle of the Sexes" tennis match on September 20, 1973. Leningrad was renamed St. Petersburg on September 8, 1991.


What element's atomic number is 9 on the periodic table of elements?

Fluorine. It is the most reactive chemical element. French chemist Henri Moissan received the 1906 Nobel Prize for Chemistry after isolating the toxic and difficult-to-handle element.


In which year was the American League founded?

1901. The association was initially founded as a minor league called the western league in 1893. It was renamed the American League of Professional Baseball Clubs in 1899 and declared a major league in 1901. In 1903, it was granted equal status by the National League.
