Parts of a sentence
Articles and facts
Real or fake?
One minute lists

Which of the following is a noun? 

a) Difficult

b) Cat

c) Solve

b) Cat


Fact or opinion: Studies show that later starting times for school reduce the number of car accidents. 



Fact or opinion: It would be better if students only had 4 days of school instead of 5.


It wouldn't be better for students with learning difficulties, students who get their meals at school, and students with working parents. 


Which of the following is NOT a step to check if a news is real or fake? 

a) Check multiple sources 

b) Ask an expert their opinion

c) See how many likes it has

c) See how many likes it has


In one minute, name 3 adjectives

blue, orange, yellow, small, hard, big, confused, angry, etc. 


Which phrase has ONE noun and ONE verb

a) the boy jogged

b) a blue book

c) merrily singing

a) the boy jogged


List three unique facts about the books you've read.

Ex. The last book I read was a fantasy book. It was about puppets coming to life. It is over 200 pages long.


What is a topic sentence? 

The sentence that explains what you're going to talk about, in this case, the opinion you are defending.


You are allowed to use the internet for this question

Is this a real or fake headline? "NASA Smashes Into an Asteroid, Completing a Mission to Save a Future Day"  - New York Times

Real! Although the asteroid would have taken hundreds of years to possibly collide with Earth.


In one minute, name 3 proper nouns that start with the letter R

Rosa, Rider, Raine, Rooster & Sons, etc. 


Replace all the proper nouns with the appropriate (he/him) pronoun: 

Alex doesn't like burgers because the last time Alex ate a burger, Alex got sick for a week. 

He doesn't like burgers because the last time he ate a burger, he got sick for a week. 


Which of the following is something that a good article should NOT have? 

a) strong arguments

b) multiple sources

c) bias

c) Bias


Identify the topic sentence in this paragraph: 

Book banning is a dangerous practice. By banning books, one is restricting the things that someone can learn. It is saying that some topics, like race and sexuality, are inappropriate in any context. Furthermore, they don't allow the reader to read something they might not agree with and form their own opinion. Book banning should not be allowed. 

Book banning is a dangerous practice.


Is this fake or real? 

"Woman gives birth to 17 identical babies in a single pregnancy" -



In one minute, name 3 verbs starting with the letter S

Sleeping, soaring, signing, singing, swearing, sharing, spitting


Identify the adverb in the following sentence: 

The blue bird rapidly flew from its nest to the street.



When you take a fact and twist it around to make it sound like something completely different, this is called: 

a) False fact

b) Misleading fact

c) Lying fact

b) Misleading fact


Identify 2 arguments against reality TV: 

TV stations should stop producing reality TV. It creates a fake version of what life is and gives unreal expectations to its viewers. It also hurts the people involved in it, showing very intimate parts of their lives. In the end, neither the viewer nor the participants get anything of value. Reality TV should be a thing of the past. 

- It creates fake expectations

- It hurts the participants

-It brings nothing of value

Is this real or fake? "Cockroaches to survive nuclear blast, new study finds." - Science Fiction Magazine

Fake! They'll survive the radiation but the heat will kill them 

In one minute, name 3 characters whose names start with the letter T

Tony Stark, Thomas the Train, Tinkerbell, Tiana, Thor, Tarzan, Tigger


Find 1 noun, 1 pronoun, 1 adverb, and 1 adjective:

My sister was singing loudly yesterday. She was so loud, that I couldn't concentrate on my work. I asked her nicely to stop, but she got mad and threw her pillows at me! At least they were very soft.

Noun: sister, work, pillow

Pronoun: She, I, her, they

Adverb: Loudly, nicely 

c: Loud, mad, soft 


When someone shares fake or misleading information by accident, it is called: 

a) Misinformation

b) Disinformation

c) Uninformation 

a) Misinformation


Should all kids play a sport? In your response, give one topic statement and three different arguments.


All kids should play a sport. They should play a sport because it keeps them healthy. It teaches important skills like teamwork. It is also a fun way to spend time outside. Playing sports is beneficial for all kids. 


Real or fake: "San Diego Zoo penguin fitted with orthopedic footwear" - The Associated Press


The 4-year-old penguin named Lucas has lesions on his feet due to a chronic condition known as bumblefoot, which covers a range of avian foot problems, the San Diego Wildlife Alliance said Monday in a press release.

In one minute, name 3 movies that start with the letter C

Coco, Charlie's Angels, Carrie, Cars, Coraline, Croods, Cinderella
