Les vêtements
Demonstrative/Interrogative Adjectives
Passé Composé avec avoir
Passé Composé avec être
Comment dit-on, "boots," en français.
What is des bottes.
Demonstrative adjectives are used to say __________in French. Interrogative adjectives are used to say__________in French.
Demonstrative adjectives: this that, these, those. Interrogative adjectives: which or what.
How do you form the past participles of: regular -er verbs regular -ir verbs regular-re verbs
-er verbs: drop -er and add é -ir verbs: drop r -re verbs: drop -re verbs and add u.
Qu'est-ce que "mettre" ça va dire en anglais?
What is to wear/to put on clothes AND to put something somewhere.
Rewrite this sentence in the past tense. Olivier tomb dans les escaliers.
Olivier est tombé dans les escaliers.
Un homme qui travaille porter un costume avec "a tie." Comment dit-on "tie," en français?
What is une cravate. *On the exam be sure to put the articles. NO ARTICLES MEANS YOUR ANSWER IS WRONG.
Comment dit-on ,"this dress," en français?
What is cette robe. Cette is sued because dress is feminine. Notice that the demonstrative adjectives replace the articles.
PUt this sentence in the past tense. J'écoute de la musique.
What is J'ai écouté de la musique.
Give the appropriate conjugation of porter. L'enfant____________une robe très jolie.
What is porte.
Rewrite this sentence in the past tense. Maman descend au salon.
Maman est descendue au salon. *e is added because the subject is feminine. Remember this is only done with Être verbs.
Une femme porte un costume ou un tailleur?
What is un tailleur. un costume is a men's suit.
Comment dit-on ,"these boots," en français?
What is ces bottes. *Boots is plural.
Put this sentence in the past tense: Kelly boit le café tous le temps.
What is Kelly a bu le café tous le temps. *remember boire is an irregular past participle. Be sure to know which verbs use an irregular past participle in the past tense.
Provide the appropriate conjugation of the verb mettre. Vous______________(mettre) la même robe.
What is mettez. *remember mettre is irregular.
Mes frères naissent dans le même mois.
Mes frères sont nés dans le même mois. *remember past participles have to agree in gender and number. S is added because I am talking about more than one person.
Si il fait chaud, une personne doit porter...
What is ça depend.
Comment dit-on, "which shoes" en français?
What is Quelles chaussures. *shockingly chaussures is feminine. Because you are talking about "shoes" and not a "shoe," you need to use the plural form. *If you are unfamiliar with the gender of vocabulary you need to review!
Julie et moi ne voulons pas aller au café.
What is Julie et moi n'avons pas voulu aller au café. *remember in negation the helping verb is the only thing that goes in the middle of ne...pas.
Provide the appropriate conjugation of the verb mettre. Ali et moi ______________toujours des baskets.
What is mettons.
Rewrite the sentence in the past tense. Sarah et Molly vont au centre commércial.
Sarah et Molly sont allées au centre commércial. *past participle has extra e and s because both subjects are feminine and I am talking about more than one person.
Quand il fait froid, une personne doit porter..
What is ça depend.
Comment-dit on"What size," en français?
What is Quelle taille? *Taille is feminine and singular.
Le chien prend la chaussure!
What is Le chien a pris la chaussure!
Provide the appropriate conjugation of the verb mettre. Je _________________un anorak quand il fait froid.
What is mets.
List the verbs of Dr & MRS VAN DER TRAMP and provide English translations.
Devenir-to become Revenir- to come back Monter- to climb Rentrer- to go back in Sortir- to go out Venir- to come Arriver- to arrive Naître- to be born Descendre- to go down Entrer- to enter Retourner- to turn around Tomber- to fall Rester- to stay Aller- to go Mourir- to die Partir-to leave