together these papers staple
What is: Staple these papers together.
idea, few, level, goal
What is: few, goal, idea, level
Ordering a pizza by phone
paper clip, ruler, index card, yardstick
paper clip, index card, ruler, yardstick
watermelon, lemon, peanut, apple
peanut, lemon, apple, watermelon
lives me near Adam
What is: Adam lives near me.
hollow, chilly, daily, human
What is: chilly, daily, hollow, human
Planning a Party
figure out who to invite and when the party will happen, make invitations/invite guests, buy what you need for the party, get everything ready, clean up
turtle, ant, whale, caterpillar, alligator
An ant, a caterpillar, a turtle, an alligator, and a whale
ladder, escalator, stool, step
stool, step, ladder, escalator
begins at 3:30 practice soccer
clear, coast, crush, carve
What is; carve, clear, coast, crush
Plant a tree
Buy the tree, dig a hole, place the tree in the hole, cover the tree with dirt, water the tree
train, bicycle, scooter, bus, car, ambulance
scooter, bicycle, car, ambulance,train
pizza, potato chip, cookie, plate
potato chip, cookie, plate, pizza
landing plane the is
The plane is landing.
escape, extra, edge, earn
What is; earn, edge, escape, extra
Do laundry
Gather dirty clothes, put in washing machine, add detergent, start the wash, change to dryer
thumb, big toe, leg, foot, arm
big toe, thumb, foot, arm, leg
toad, horse, cat, sheep
toad, cat, sheep, horse
bus our 5:45 at leave will
Our bus will leave at 5:45 pm.
decide, destroy, deep, descend
What is decide, deep, descend, destroy
Buy new shoes
get your feet measured, try on new shoes, pay for the shoes
piece of spaghetti, grain of rice, green bean, ear of corn, hot dog
Grain of rice, Green bean, Hotdog, Ear of corn, and Piece of spaghetti
suitcase, wallet, purse, briefcase
wallet, purse, briefcase, suitcase