When you see an "f" in the music.
What is forte?
What is the first note of the scale called?
What is my favorite color?
First Rule of my class
What kind of note gets 1 beat in 4/4 time?
What is the quarter note?
The italian word piano.
What is soft
What key has NO sharps and NO flats
C Major
Favorite Candy?
(I have two)
Sour Patch Kids
In the blue dots
What kind of note receives 2 beats in 4/4 time?
What is a half note?
What is gradually getting louder?
What key has ONE Flat in the signature?
F Major
Where did I go to College?
When should you be standing at your spot on the risers
When the bell rings
What kind of note receives 3 beats in 4/4 time?
What is a dotted half note?
The Symbol in music made of sharps or flats found at the beginning
What is the Key Signature
What Key has ONE Sharp in the signature?
G Major
How many siblings do I have?
I am a triplet
Name the Three Supplies you need for my class
1/2 inch 3 ring BLACK Binder
Highlighter (yellow or pink)
What kind of note receives 4 beats in 4/4 time?
What is a whole note?
The symbol in music that looks like a fraction. Tells you the beats in each measure
What is the Time Signature
Name the Three keys/key signatures we sight read in
C, F, G
How many years have a taught at Sequoyah?
This is my 5th Year
What do you need to grab everyday?
Your assigned binder
What kind of note receives half of a beat in 4/4 time?
What is an eighth note?