Supervised Visitations
Case Management
Indiana's _________ protects Indiana' children from further abuse or neglect and prevents, remedies, or assists in solving problems that may result in abuse, neglect, exploitation, or delinquency of children.
What is Child Protective Services?
Visit facilitation as identified by DCS/Probation is provided between parents/children/siblings and/or others who have been separated due to a substantiated allegation of abuse or neglect or involvement with juvenile probation. This service is provided because_________.
What is it is the fundamental right for children to visit with their parents and siblings.
It is essential that Therapist maintain ___. Failure to do so may result in immediate termination of the service agreement.
What is confidentiality?
This service is provided to raise the academic performance of school-aged youth to a level consistent with state education standards.
What are Tutoring/Literacy Classes?
This in-home service should be high quality, family centered, and culturally competent. It should be effective in reducing maltreatment, improving caretaking, and children's physical, mental, emotional, and educational well-being.
What is Home-Based Family Centered Casework?
Families receive services based on the severity of the abuse or neglect, an assessment of the child's and family's needs, and an assessment of the relative safety and risk to the child in the home. After an investigation of abuse or neglect a families case will be found to be two of either of these things.
What is substantiated or unsubstantiated.
Facilities, neutral spaces, foster homes, parent's homes, etc. are identified as ______.
What are desired/allowable location of visits.
Therapeutic services must include development of short and long-term family goals with ___.
What are measurable outcomes?
The child should receive an initial assessment in order to determine his/her specific learning needs no later than ___ days after being referred?
What is 10?
Families receiving Case Management services (Home-Based Casework, Homemaking, and Mentoring) receive comprehensive services through a single Worker acting within a team, with team back up and agency availability ___ hours a day, ___ days a week.
What is 24 and 7?
An agreement made by the family case manager, the child's parent(s) guardian, custodian, attorney and other involved parties when a family admits to a problem and the child is at minimal risk in the home is known as a(n)_____?
What is an informal adjustment.
The following sites examples of ___________. (1) Conditions in the parent's home or community may threaten the safety of the child or visit supervisor (2)Allows parents and child(ren) to have more natural settings to demonstrate learned skills and change (3)Parents have completed and been successful in services and can articulate how has occurred for their family
What are "Justifications for level of Supervision?"
Therapeutic services should be ___and focused on the limited objectives directly from the established DCS/Probation case plan or Informal Adjustment.
What is time-limited?
This plan is developed based upon the child's academic assessment and should contain both long-term and short-term goals. Likewise, it should include input from the child, caregiver and the educator, reflect underlying needs and goals, be tailored to the child's strengths, weaknesses, needs, available resources and unique circumstances, and build on realistic possibilities and options.
What is an education plan?
A ___ can provide any combination of the following kinds of services: advocacy, budgeting/money management, coordination of services, mentoring, parenting education/training, supervised visitations.
What is a Home-Based Caseworker or Community Specialist
Services provided to families when a child who has been removed from the family has a goal to return to the family are known as _________?
What are reunification services?
Documentation of incidents in visitations which are or could be considered subjective must be followed by examples of the situation for clarification. The documentation of the visit must be provided to the current FCM/PO within ____days of the visit. Phone calls should be _____for safety or recommendations for terminated visits.
What is 2 and immediate.
Goal setting and service planning are mutually established with the Client and Home-Based Therapist within ___ days of the initial face-to-face intake. Likewise a written report signed by the Home-Based Therapist and Client should be submitted to the current FCM/PO within this same time frame.
What is 30 days?
A child's education plan should be consisted with the child's ___ if one is present.
What is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?
Children and families who have substantiated cases of abuse and/or neglect and will likely develop into an open case with IA or CHINS status are know as ___.
What are eligible families for Home-Based Casework Services?
CHINS services provided to children that are made wards of the court include case planning, periodic case review to name a few. The letters CHINS are an acronym for what?
What is Child in Need of Services?
The following things contributes to the determination of _________. (1) Demonstrated parental role, (2) Demonstrated knowledge of child's development, (3)Put child's needs ahead of his/her own, (4) Showed empathy towards child; and, (5) Focused on the child when preparing for visits and during interaction.
What is the quality of the visits.
This assessment must include an interview with the adults and children being assessed in their current home environment. Furthermore, it should include at least two separate appointments held on different days, when possible.
What is a Parenting/Family Functioning Assessment?
Tutoring/literacy and math services shall incorporate ___ strategies that improve student achievement.
What are evidence-based?
This plan is developed based on assessment by the provider and agreements reached in the Child and Family Team meeting and/or documented in the authorizing referral.
What is a treatment plan?