What letter(s) would you record for when an individual worked on making a painting
What is "A"
How is the date to be documented on service notes
What is month, day, year
Verbal prompt to look before crossing a parking lot is which letter
While helping an individual with their goal to make their own cup of tea staff notices the individual no longer requires physical prompts and now needs only verbal prompts this show the individual made
What is progress in this goal
What is assuring math is correct on units essintial
What is billing. If we accidently record 9am to 11am as 12 units in place of 8 is could be seen as fraudulent billing.
Letter F is for
You take an individual to the mall in Dickson city what is the location you would record for the service note?
What is the Viewmont Mall
When does a cps service note time begin
What is when the individual leave the day program facility door
A goal for an individual (JJ) is to buy and care for a goldfish. Staff took JJ to a local pet store where JJ could pick out a fish and staff verbally reminded JJ she may also need fish food and a tank. what prompts did staff offer to help JJ make progress in this goal.
What is verbal prompts
What is Absent
Jane Doe arrived at 9am and left for an outing at 12:30. Jane returned from her outing at 2pm and went home for the day at 3:15pm. How many units for CPS and FAC
What is 19 FAC and 6 CPS
An individual goes to dunkin what is written for the description of activity
individual choose a doughnut of their choice and encouraged to place their own order and sat with peer/staff to socialize
An individual left at 1pm to go to an appointment how is this information recorded?
What is in the description of activity staff would write left early due to appointment
Staff has been consistently trying to help an individual to make progress with a goal for 2 weeks with no success. what should that staff do?
What is talk with the individuals PS to let them know
Why would only one service note entry be needed for an individual
offering a reminder to wash our hands after the restroom or covering our coughs is covered with which letter
What is I - maintaining health and wellnesses
An individual decided they want to go to the park to walk the paths with their peers on the facility note what would staff write?
what is individual talked with staff and peers about their choice for an outing
When Absent is recorded on the service note, the date is documented along with what other information
What is the staff name and signature documenting the entry
While helping an individual with their goal the individual no longer requires physical prompts and now needs only verbal prompts how would you document this?
What is the individual made progress in this goal and no longer requires physical prompts. Goal is still making progress with verbal prompts.
If you go to McDade park to play park soccer with staff and collect leaves what is the information needed for location and descriptions of activities is what
What letter(s) would you record for when an individual decided to sit with a peer and participate is yoga with Mindy
What is F, H, E
An individual arrives at 8:45am and leaves for a dr appointment at 9:15. That arrive back to fac at 10am. Their group goes on an outing from 10:00am to 12pm. The group returned for lunch from 12 to 1pm and then finished their day with CPS at bowling lanes. Individual left at 2:45. How many service note entries are needed?
What is four services note entries
an individual arrived to cps at 9am leaving for a doctor visit at 9:15 and returns at 10am for the day leaving at 3pm. what times should be recoded on the service notes.
What is 9am to 9:15 and 10am to 3pm
why is it important to work on outcomes daily, requires 2 correct listed answers. - unlisted correct answers can be approved/denied by PS's
what is to increase independence, work on daily living skills, to show if progress is made, to increase choice making skills
An individual has to go to the ER for an incident requiring more care then standard first aid is this recorded as CPS, FAC, or not billed for
What is FAC - we are permitted to bill, however it is required to be at the lowest rate of reimbursement for the individual