Providing Safe Food
Safe Food Handling
Personal Hygiene
Bacteria and Toxins

What is a food borne illness?

Disease transmitted to people by food.

What is a biological contaminant?
Pathogens including: Viruses Parasites Bacteria that carry toxins.

What situations can lead to contaminating food?

1. When servers have wounds that contain pathogens 2. When sneezing, coughing, or sick 3. When touching items without washing hands 4. When they have a food borne illness 5. When they have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, jaundice


What are the five (5) steps to washing hands?

1. Wet hands and arms 2. Apply soap 3. Rinse hands and arms 4. Scrub hands and arms 5. Dry hands and arms


What is bacillus cereus?

A spore forming bacteria found in dirt. It can produce two different toxins when allowed to grow to high levels.

What is an outbreak?
Two or more people having the same symptoms after eating the same food.

What is a chemical contaminant?

Chemical(s) that can contaminate food if not used correctly including: Cleaners and polishes.

What is good personal hygiene?
1. Hand washing 2. Glove use 3. Short nails 4. Personal cleanliness 5. Hair restraints 6. No Jewelry

When should you wash your hands?

1. After handling raw meat 2. Handling money 3. Taking out garbage 4. Sneezing and coughing 5. Touching hair and/or face


What is salmonella?

Bacteria found in foods such as: Poultry Eggs Dairy Produce.


What are examples of TCS Foods?

Milk, eggs, poultry, meat, fish, shellfish, baked potato, tofu (other soy protein), sliced melons, cut tomato's, cut leafy greens, sprouts, sprouts seeds, untreated garlic and oil mixtures.


What is a physical contaminant?

Foreign objects, like metal, that can get into foods such as: Shavings Staples Bandages.


What are five (5) things to have at a hand washing station?

1. Paper Towels 2. Signage for employees to wash hands 3. Hot running water 4. Soap 5. Wastebasket

When should you wash your hands?
1. After handling raw meat 2. Handling money 3. Taking out garbage 4. Sneezing and coughing 5. Touching hair and/or face

What is the height that food should be kept off the ground?

Six (6) inches off the ground


What are the three categories of contaminants?

1. Biological 2. Chemical 3. Physical

What is MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets)?
Usually a binder which contains important safety information about the chemicals used in the bake shop.

What are three (3) things you should never do to gloves?

1. Blow into gloves 2. Roll gloves for easier use 3. Re-wash or re-use


What is proper work attire?

1. Hair restraints 2. Clean clothing 3. Aprons


What are the five prevention measures to prevent bacteria?

1. Throw out any product that has past it's use by expiration date 2. Avoid using unpasteurized dairy product 3. Cook raw meat to min. internal temperature 4. Control time and temperature 5. Prevent cross contamination between raw and under cooked food


What is the cost of food borne illness?

1. Loss of customer sales 2. Negative media exposure 3. Lawsuits and Legal feeds 4. Increased insurance premiums


How to prevent an allergic reaction?

1. Describing dishes 2. Identifying ingredients 3. Suggesting items, identifying secret ingredients 4. Food should be hand delivered

What are policies for reporting health issues?
1. Rules presenting signed statements in which staff agree to report illness 2. Providing documentation 3. Showing staff have completed training on the importance of reporting illness 4. Posting signs or providing pocket cards reminding staff to notify managers when they are ill.
What foods are most commonly known to be linked to bacteria?
1. Raw meat 2. Unpasteurized dairy 3. Ready to eat food such as; deli meat, hot dogs, and soft cheeses

What is listeria momocytogenes?

It is found in dirt, water ,and plants and causes an infection. Unlike other bacteria it grows in cool moist environment.
