While using this can help to reduce the number of pathogens on your hands, it should never be used in place of handwashing.
What is antiseptic?
The temperature at which pathogens multiply rapidly, from 40-135 degrees, is known as this?
What is the temperature danger zone?
The three types of contamination are biological, physical and what?
Those with chronic illness, the elderly, and this group of people are at high-risk for foodborne illness.
What are young children?
This is the amount of time you should scrub your hands for.
What is 10-15 seconds?
Commonly associated with seafood, wild game and food processed with contaminated water (including produce), these require a host to live and reproduce.
What are parasites?
The most important way to slow the growth bacteria is through these two controls.
What is time and temperature?
Some examples of chemical contamination include polishes, cleaners and?
Costs of foodborne illness to an operation include these two (of many) things?
Lawsuits/legal fees, Lowered staff morale, Staff calling out of work, Poor public image, Increased insurance, Lost sales/customers, Staff retraining
This is the correct way to dry hands after washing them.
What is with a single-use paper towel?
Fish that will be served raw or undercooked must go through this process by the manufacturer.
What is freezing?
Chemicals should be purchased from a reputable purveyor (not from a grocery store) because they are more likely to be accompanied by this important piece of paper - which is mandatory to keep on file for every chemical used or kept in the kitchen - and contains information such as how to use and what to do if it is ingested or gets in to someone's eyes.
What is an SDS sheet?
Four types of biological contaminants include fungi, bacteria, viruses and?
Five risk factors for foodborne illness include purchasing food from unsafe sources, practicing poor personal hygiene, failing to cook food correctly, holding food at incorrect temperatures and...
Using contaminated equipment
What are three instances after which you must wash your hands? (PG 3.16)
(Answers vary)
Typically experienced within minutes of exposure to this, symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, neurological symptoms (such as tingling in the extremities), reversal of hot and cold, heart palpitations, hives, and difficulty breathing.
What is a biological toxin?
An illness is considered an outbreak when two or more people have the same symptoms after eating the same food, an investigation is conducted, and the outbreak is confirmed by what?
What is lab analysis?
Four types of physical contamination include...
Metal shavings
Natural objects (e.g., fish bones in a fillet)
Symptoms of foodborne illness include vomiting, fever, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and this, which is associated with Hepatitis.
Jaundice/yellowing of the skin
(Answers vary)
This toxin can be found in barracuda, snapper, grouper, amberjack, and shellfish including oysters.
What is ciguatera toxin?
Time-Temperature Abuse occurs when food has not been held at the correct temperature, What is this temperature range called?
Temperature danger Zone
A microorganism that causes people to be sick when eaten, and is a form of biological contamination, is known as this.
What is a Pathogen?
This Government agency inspects foods transported across state lines