Providing Safe Food
How food becomes unsafe
More foodborne illnesses
This has occurred when two or more people get the same illness after eating the same food.
What is a foodborne-illness outbreak. (or just outbreak.)
Which risk factor is generally involved when someone becomes ill from toxins in fish?
What is purchasing food from an unsafe supplier.
Poultry, leftovers reheated in the microwave and stuffed meats should be heated to an internal temperature of
What is 165 degrees F
The four types of pathogens are
What is bacteria, virus, parasite, fungi
I am associated with ground beef and unwashed produce. I can be controlled by cooking food to the right internal temp., preventing cross contamination between raw and rte food, and keeping diagnosed employees out of the operation
What is e.coli
Elderly people, preschoolers, people on certain medication, and people undergoing chemotherapy are more likely to get a foodborne illness because they
What is have a weakened immune system
What risk factor is generally involved when someone becomes infected with hepatitis A or the norovirus, contaminated equipment or poor personal hygiene.
What is poor personal hygiene.
Cooked vegetables and plant processed foods should be heated to an internal temperature of
What is 135 degrees F
FATTOM stands for
What is food acidity time temperature oxygen moisture
I am linked with improperly canned food, reduced oxygen packaging food (ROP), temp abused baked potatoes and untreated garlic and oil mixtures.
What is botulism
This type of hazard includes illness causing microorganisms that can't be seen, smelled or tasted.
What is a biological hazard
What risk factor is generally involved when someone becomes ill with a bacterial infection such as bacillus cereus, listeria, or clostridium perfingens?
What is purchasing food from a reputable supplier, poor personal hygiene or holding food at incorrect temperatures.
Fish, steak, chops, roasts should be heated to an internal temperature of
What is 145 degrees F
These are the leading cause of foodborne illness, they can survive refrigerator and freezer temps, they can't grow in food, but they can grow in someone's intestines, they can contaminate both food and water and they can be transmitted from person to person, person to food and person to food contact surfaces.
What is viruses
I am associated with poultry and eggs, but also dairy and produce. I cause stomach symptoms and can be prevented by preventing cross contamination and cooking food to correct internal temperatures.
What is salmonella
This type of hazard occurs when a cleaning solution or a pest control solution contaminates the food.
What is a chemical hazard
Leaving a pan of chili on the counter all night is an example of
What is time temperature abuse
Ground meats and shell eggs should be heated to an internal temperature of
What is 155 degrees F
Foodborne illness caused by this pathogen are controlled by keeping food out of the danger zone. This will grow rapidly, if FATTOM conditions are right.
What is bacteria
I am a virus associated with poor personal hygiene. I am found in the feces of people infected with me. I can contaminate water and many types of food. I have also been linked with shellfish contaminated by sewage. My symptoms are in the stomach, but also fever and later on, jaundice.
What is Hepatitis A
Foreign objects that get into the food. Examples include hair, dirt, bandages, staples, and broken glass.
What is a physical hazard.
handling a raw chicken breast and then touching the roll, lettuce and tomato is an example of
What is cross contamination
Pathogens grow most quickly between the temperature range of
What is 70-125
This pathogen cannot grow in food, it must be in the meat of another animal or host, to survive. Illnesses from this pathogen can be prevented by purchasing products from approved reputable suppliers.
What is parasites
I am the toxin responsible for scombroid poisoning. I appear when fish such as tuna, bonito, mackerel or mahi-mahi are time temperature abused. I can cause a burning sensation in the mouth or throat, and I can be prevented by purchasing from approved suppliers.
What is histamine