A foodborne illness (disease) is when you get sick from food.
It is okay to wash the coffee pot in the handwashing sink in Dorothy's?
NO! The handwashing sink is for HANDS ONLY!
Is a food hazard a good or a bad thing?
A food hazard is a risk or danger, so it is a bad thing.
Should the manager always buy food from a safe place?
YES - The manager should buy food from a safe source and should not buy damaged products.
Should I should scrub my hands for at least 10-15 seconds when I am washing them?
YES! After you wet your hands and get soap, you need to scrub them for 10 - 15 seconds!
Poor personal hygiene is the number 1 cause of foodborne illnesses in restaurants.
Other ways people make food unsafe is cross contamination, time-temperature abuse, and poor cleaning and sanitizing.
If I answer the phone in Dorothy's, do I need to wash my hands and change my gloves?
The flu virus is an example of what kind of hazard?
Physical, Chemical or Biological
The flu virus is an example of a BIOLOGICAL hazard.
Germs (pathogens) from my body can make food unsafe.
TRUE! Germs from our bodies and/or clothes can make food unsafe. If we are dirty or our clothes are dirty, we could
Is it okay to wear my apron when I go to the bathroom?
NO! You should take off your apron anytime you leave the bakery or kitchen!!
It is okay to slice a tomato on the same cutting board you cut raw chicken
FALSE - that is cross contamination; germs from the raw chicken will contaminate the tomato
You need to wash & sanitize the cutting board before using it again!!
Should I wash my hands before I put on gloves?
True - You should always wash your hands before you put on gloves.
Spraying cleaning solution on food is an example of what kind of hazard?
Physical, Chemical or Biological
Spraying cleaning solution on food is an example of a CHEMICAL hazard.
Cross contamination is when germs (pathogens) are transferred from one food or surface to another.
TRUE. It is important to keep certain foods separate so germs to spread.
Do I have to wash my hands after I scratch my face when I'm working with food?
Yes!You should wash your hands and put on clean gloves after you touch ANY part of your body.
As a food handler, it is MY responsibility to keep food safe.
TRUE - We, as food handlers, are responsible for our personal hygiene; preventing cross-contamination and time and tempature abuse; and cleaning and sanitizing properly.
Do I need a clean body and clean clothes to keep food safe when I work at Dorothy's?
A band aid in your salad is an example of what type of hazard?
Physical, Biological, Chemical
A band aid in your salad is an example of a PHYSICAL hazard.
Is it okay to leave dairy products out on the counter overnight?
No. That is an example of time and temperature abuse.
Can I use hand sanitizer instead of washing my hands with soap and water?
No! You have to wash your hands with soap and water BEFORE you use hand sanitizer!
Are pathogens the germs that make us sick?
YES - pathogens are germs that we sometimes cannot see, like a virus, bacteria, fungi
If I touch money, do I need to wash my hands and change my gloves before serving cookies?
YES! Money is dirty. You should wash your hands & change your gloves before touching food.
There are 3 types of hazards that can make food unsafe.
True - the 3 types of hazards are:
Cleaning and sanitizing gets rid of dirt and germs.
True - you need to use hot water and soap to wash dishes and kitchen surfaces.
If I am feeling sick, should I let someone at Gateway know?
YES! - If you are sick, you should not go to work OR work with food!