How do you navigate to an order entry screen?
Dispatch>Customer Service> Order Entry
How do you navigate to recurring orders?
Dispatch>Customer Service>Recurring Orders
What button do we have to press to make any changes to an order
How do you add an additional pickup/stop to an order?
Navigate to the stop tab. Highlight the stop that you are wanting to add ABOVE/BEFORE. Hit insert at the bottom (left corner)
How do we name a recurring template/Where can the name be found?
The cell next to Recurring order in the left hand corner.
How do we add an additional charge?
(Order Entry) Rating tab, at the bottom of the page, click add. Location Masterfile
What is required on the rating tab to create the order?
Billing method and Bill-To Customer
How do you book an order (1) using a recurring template?
Go to the order entry screen, click add, and search your recurring template name.
What is another name for location entry/the address that we input for the shipper or consignee?
Location Masterfile
What do we do if we cannot find our address/location/site when we are creating an order?
Right click on the cell next to the magnifying glass and select Location Entry. Hit Add up at the top of the location masterfile and search your address/site to create a new location.
What is required on the general tab to create a recurring order template
Shipper, Consignee, Trailer type
(order entry) Find the order you need to remove the stop from, go to the stop tab. Highlight the stop you want to remove and select DEL in the middle.
What is the difference between the Bill To Customer and the locations?
Locations are the sites that we are picking loads up from or delivering them to
Bill To Customers is also referred to as the customer Masterfile is who we are charging for the load. The city/state may not reflect the same location we are picking up from or delivering to
What should we not put in a recurring order template?
How do we void an order?
(order entry) Update- change the status on the general tab from Available>Void.
Put in a comment type and reason why it was voided.