What is self-denial in order to develop spiritual discipline?
What does covet mean?
To wish enviously/greedily want something that we want for ourselves.
What does the Fifth Commandment tell us?
We should not kill and we should respect all life.
Ignatius and his six friends decided to form a society of Jesus known as ________.
What are spiritual exercises? (mention at least 1 or more)
Prayers, meditation, reflections, that are led by spiritual directors.
What is the sin of unfaithfulness or the act of being unfaithful to your marriage (which is holy union blessed by God).
What Commandment teaches us not to commit adultery, the sin of unfaithfulness.
The Daily Examen
What is moral law?
Some actions are always objectively wrong.
What did the Church oppose?
Abortion and euthanasia.
St. Ignatius started to read the Bible and learn about God because?
He was wounded from battle and read about Jesus' life.
What is the choice to go against the Church’s rule of natural death and kill a baby in the womb.
The _________ Commandment encourages us to create an environment that helps us practice virtue.
What do Jesuits help find?
They help people find ways to God.
what is euthanasia?
An act with the intent to cause the death of a person who is handicapped, sick or dying, but is not brain dead, Therefore they are still living which is against the law of natural death.