Part 1
Part 2
Types of meetings
Part 3

_________ means needing to use a substance even though bad things keep happening as a result.



In the 1930s, two men founded a group called ____________________________________________ to introduce the principles of mutual self-help to others

Alcoholics Anonymous


_____ ______ which are open to the public to get general information about the program

*Be specific

open meetings


_______________________________ is the focus at traditional Twelve Step meetings.



Are there different Twelve Step groups?

Yes. For people who are addicted to mood-altering substances, there are several groups.


The word ____ means having positive expectations for the future.



AA and similar groups are called ___________________________ .



_____/_______ _______, at which the Twelve Steps and/or Twelve Traditions of the program are discussed.

*Be specific

Step/Tradition Meetings


Do not listen to others’ ________________________________ about medications.



Are there Twelve Step groups for people with co-occurring disorders?

Yes, there are a few Twelve Step groups for people with co-occurring disorders.


Your ability to deal with temptations to use alcohol and other drugs depends on your ______ ______.

coping skills


Alcoholics Anonymous, also called the _______________________ , explains the principles of AA.

Big Book


____ ____ _______, which focus on reading a chapter , often a story about someone’s personal experience or a recovery-related topic

*Be specific

Big Book Meetings


Some of the benefits I can obtain from attending AA or other traditional Twelve Step meetings include the following:

*name at least 3

■ I can find a meeting every day of the week. ■ I can talk about my sobriety successes and challenges. ■ I can talk to people when I have cravings and want to drink or use. ■ I can increase my social support network. ■ I can grow emotionally and spiritually. ■ I can learn problem-solving tips. ■ I can get hope when I start to feel hopeless. ■ I can help others by sharing my successes.


Are all Twelve Step meetings the same?

No. Most programs have different types of meetings.


Some people mistakenly believe that ______ ______ and ________ ___ _________ are the result of being weak or bad, not having enough willpower, or not being smart enough.

mental health and substance use disorders


The only requirement in Twelve Step groups is the _________________________ to stop your compulsive behavior.



_____ _______, which involve a discussion on a specific idea, such as fellowship, honesty, acceptance, or patience, and where everyone is given a chance to talk, though no one is forced to speak.

*Be specific

Topic Meetings


Some of the issues that I might experience at AA and other traditional Twelve Step meetings include the following:

*name at least 3

■ Some people won’t relate to my mental health problems. ■ Some people won’t understand how my co-occurring disorders affect each other. ■ Some people won’t realize that my sobriety involves prescribed medications.■ Some people may give bad advice about mental health disorders. ■ Some people are prejudiced about people with mental health disorders.


What is the difference between Twelve Step programs and other mutual self-help groups?

Mutual self-help is when one person with a problem (such as substance use or mental health disorders) helps another who has the same problem. Twelve Step programs are a type of mutual self-help group based on the Twelve Steps. There are other mutual self-help groups that are not based on the Twelve Steps.


The term ____-________ means having the confidence to carry out a specific behavior or not carry out a specific behavior.



In the 1930s, two men, Bill W. and Dr. Bob, became very frustrated by the fact that _______ and _______ couldn’t help them overcome their addiction to alcohol.

medicine and psychiatry


______ ______, when someone tells the story of his or her addiction and recovery.

*Be specific

Speaker Meetings


these groups are peer recovery programs that are based on the Twelve Steps of AA and on the experiences and successes of men and women in recovery from both substance use and mental health disorders.

*must name all groups to get credit

Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA), Double Trouble in Recovery (DTR), and Dual Diagnosis Anonymous (DDA).


Some key things to look for in a sponsor include someone who:

*name at least 3 

• has several years of sobriety and mental health stability.

• maintains a healthy lifestyle and is not struggling with major problems.

• is an active and regular participant in Twelve Step meetings—especially meetings for people with co-occurring disorders—and is actively working the Twelve Steps.

• relates well to you and respects you, even when you don’t agree with him or her.

• is the same gender as you, and for whom you don’t have sexual or romantic interest.
