What year did American colonies create a law that states “By marriage, the husband and wife are one person in the law. The very being and legal existence of the woman is [suspended] during the marriage, or at least is incorporated into that of her husband under whose wing and protection she performs everything.”
What is 1769?
How many high school students on average in the Unites States experience physical abuse in a single year?
What is 1.5 million?
Name 5 groups of people you can have relationships with:
What is friends, siblings, coworkers, teammates, peers, parent-child, etc.
Define accountability:
an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for your own actions
List 3 systems of power that exist in your community.
Schools, law enforcement/police, churches, community centers, etc.
What act funds services for victims of stalking, domestic violence, dating violence and SV?
What is Violence Against Women Act? Freedom.
1 in ___ women experience domestic violence in the United States?
Bonus for 100: 1 in ___ men experience domestic violence in the United States?
What is 1 in 4?
Bonus: What is 1 in 9?
Name 5 qualities of a healthy relationship?
Honesty, boundaries, respect, equality, trust, communication, shared power, etc.
Define control:
using your power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events for your own desires
What are the 3 subjects (things) -ism can mean?
Belief (ideology), behavior (practice), system.
Family violence became an issue with the influence of the Women’s Liberation Movement during which two decades? (hint: they're back to back)
What is the 1960s/1970s?
Men commit this percentage of violence against women intimate partner relationships.
What is about 85%?
What are 5 rights people have in healthy relationships?
To leave, to ask questions, to say no, to set boundaries, to go out with friends, to personal time, to privacy, etc.
Define false consensus:
The tendency to overestimate how much others agree with us
What system was used to prevent certain people from having certain jobs/opportunities because of their gender?
Sexism (or gender stereotypes).
During what year did the 19th Amendment declared that women have a right to vote?
Bonus for 100: Which act made voting a reality for all women?
What is 1920?
What is the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
What percentage of women who were murdered by intimate partners were stalked first?
What is 76%?
Is the following statement always ok, sometimes ok, or never ok and explain why:
Calling your partner when they're out with their friends?
Sometimes ok. To check up or in an emergency, but not to stalk, harass, or control.
Define pluralistic ignorance:
when people mistakenly believe that everyone else holds a different opinion than their own (underestimate how much others will agree with them)
True or false:
To be an ally to a person that is being treated unfairly, you have to be friends with them.
According to a Massachusetts study, when they ask for it and push aggressively for it, these parents receive joint or full custody of their child 92% of the time.
What is Fathers.
Between men and women, who is predominately the victims of violent crimes overall?
Bonus for 100: Who are the predominate perpetrators of violent crimes?
What is men?
What is men?
When an individual appears calm on the surface, but is really acting out anger in a subtle, indirect, or sly/slick way is what style of communication?
What is passive aggressive communication?
Double the points:
Define intersectionality (in your own words) and give an example:
What is the interconnected nature of social categorizations as they apply to a given individual or group, regarding how they experience obstacles or advantages.
True or false:
Having the password to your partner's phone is how you build trust.