What is SOT
Sea Of Theives
What is Drewski Babouskis' favorite game that appears during a nuclear fallout of the world
Name a game
(whatever you said)
France's flag has what three colors
Red white and Blue
What food group is an apple in
In Sea of Thieves what is your characters occupation
A pirate
Drewski Babouski worships which person
Todd Howard
what game uses superheros from a popular IP in a 6v6 hero shooter
Marvel Rivals
what is the square root of 100
What is a cooked snails dish is the most common
What are the four animal types in SOT
Drewski Babouski Has an L hair line? Yes or no? (Based off comparison with Taran)
A controller comes in two types of connections what are the two types
wired and wireless
Police academy is how many hours long
Fiber is most common in what food group
Fruits and Vegetables
In SOT name the 6 factions
Reapers merchants gold hoarders Athenas fortune
Order of souls and fish guys
Drewski Babouski to a walk outside the first time he played this game.
What board game has you fighting deep ones including "Daddy Dagon"
DougDoug made which product
The DougDoug MugMug
All sugar is bad True or false
How many naturally occurring world events can appear at a time
What is Drewski Babouski true name?
How many Civ games have been announced
What is the shortest yule lad called?
Does food contain plastic if so is it Tarans fault
Yes on both fronts