What was the first product Phil Swift made?
A: Flex seal.
B: Flex seal liquid.
C: Flex seal colors.
A: Flex seal: flex seal was the first of the flex seal family of products starting in January of 2012.
What game is known for being horrible?
E.T for the Atari 2600
Sonic’s birthday-
The sequel to “Finding Nemo”
What is “Finding Dory”
True or False: Some cats can swim.
Which vehicles did the flex seal team use in the flex seal ad’s?
A: A boat, monster four by four, and car.
B: A boat, monster truck, and truck submarine.
C: A boat, monster four by four, and truck submarine.
C: A boat, monster four by four, and truck submarine: you can find the boat in a lot of the advertisements, the monster four by four is in the flex glue ad. And the truck submarine can be found in the flex seal colors advertisement.
What game was gonna be zool 4 but was canceled?
Ninjabread man for the wii and PC
Worst Sonic game everrrrrr.
Sonic 06-
A 2007 Pixar film about a Rat who wants to cook.
What is “Ratatouille”
True or false: Indoor cats live longer than outdoor cats.
Which YouTuber was sponsored by flex seal?
A: Angry video game nerd.
B: JonTron.
C: I Hate Everything.
B: JonTron: JonTron made two videos on the flex seal family products, the first video was so popular the second one was sponsored by Phil's team.
What games majorly disappointed people during its release?
Cyberpunk 2077 for the ps4 and others.
That one creepypasta where Sonic proceeds to kill everyone.
The director of 1998’s “A Bug’s Life”
Who is John Lasseter
White cats with blue eyes are more likely to be..._____
Which flex seal quote became a meme?
B: “that's alot-a damage”
C: “Ho-Ho-Ho, Phil Swift here!”
D: “It even works underwater!”
E: All the above.
E: all of the above: I mean, it's a meme, you should all know this, just kidding. All these quotes are famous memes people like and use.
What game can you actually get arrested for owning?
The guy game on ps2 and others.
Sonic’s original name UwU.
Mr. Needlemouse
The actor who voiced buzz lightyear throughout the entire “Toy Story” franchise.
Who is Time Allen
True or False: Cats are less popular than as dogs as pets.
Which “THREE” flex seal products are fake?
A: flex seal.
B: flex seal liquid.
C: flex seal colors.
D: flex seal clear.
E: flex seal paint.
F: flex glue.
G: flex glue clear.
H: wood flex glue.
Answers: E, H, L: flex seal paint, wood flex glue, and double sided flex tape, aren't real flex seal products.
What game caused an entire scandal that was deleted off the internet?
Driv3r on the ps 2 and others.
Sega partnered with which restaurant chain for a promotional campaign?
This man won the Oscar for best director in 2003 for Finding Nemo.
Who is Andrew Stanton
Who do cats share 95.6% of their genome with?