What is Ariel (from The Little Mermaid) dad’s name?
King Triton
What is Batman’s real name?
Bruce Wayne
How old is Ruby?
What activates the slime?
Contact Solution
What is Mulan’s man name?
What action did Iron Man do to bring everyone back in Endgame?
He snapped his fingers
What is Ms. Kat’s birthday?
June 19, 2002
What is the biggest star in our solar system? (Hint: we see it everyday)
What is the Flynn Rider’s real name?
What did Uncle Ben tell Peter Parker about power and responsibility?
“With great power, comes great responsibility”
What game do Mr. Seth and Ms. Ruby like to play outside?
Harry Potter
What is the capital of the USA?
Washington D.C.
What movie are these lyrics from: “Salagadoola mechicka boola bibbidi-bobbidi-boo”
Name 3 of Superman’s powers
flight, superhuman strength, x-ray vision, heat vision, cold breath, super-speed, enhanced hearing, and nigh-invulnerability
What car does Ms. Katelyn drive? (If you get up to look you lose points)
a Jeep
A Bug’s Life
What fruit is the logo of HLA?
An apple
What does Princess Bell’s dad do?
He invents
What was Dr. Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn’s job before she went crazy?
Where did Mr. Seth live before he moved to Florida?
Polar Express
In the water cycle what stage is it when water turns into vapor?