
Name the setting.

In math class Lacy learned about addition and subtraction. She can now add and subtract with ease.

Math class


Name the characters.

In math class Lacy learned about addition and subtraction. She can now add and subtract with ease.



Name the plot.

In math class Lacy learned about addition and subtraction. She can now add and subtract with ease.

Learning about addition and subtraction


The person who wrote the story is the ...

Author or Writer


Name the setting.

Sam went to sit by his friend Jared at lunch. Jared told Sam he couldn’t sit by him because he was saving a spot for Todd. Sam felt sad because he had no one to sit by anymore.

School lunch


Name the characters.

Howie and Mich have been friends for as long as they can remember. They go fishing, hiking, and camping every summer at the lake. They have so much fun at the lake.

Howie and Mich


Name the plot.

Howie and Mich have been friends for as long as they can remember. They go fishing, hiking, and camping every summer at the lake. They have so much fun at the lake.

Howie and Mich go to the lake and have fun/ fun lake activites


What is a character?

A person, animal in a story.


Name the setting.

While no one was looking, John took a piece of candy out of his brother’s lunchbox and put it in his mouth. Later, his brother asked his mom why she didn’t put any treats in his lunch.  

They are at home before school.


Name the characters.

Rue has two sisters, Jill and Maggie. The three sisters live on a ranch down Jackson street. There are many things to do on the ranch. Rue likes to ride horses. Jill likes to garden. Maggie likes to take long walks.

Rue, Jill, and Maggie


Name the plot.

Rue has two sisters, Jill and Maggie. The three sisters live on a ranch down Jackson street. There are many things to do on the ranch. Rue likes to ride horses. Jill likes to garden. Maggie likes to take long walks.

What the sisters like to do.


What is a setting?

Where and when the story takes place.


Name the setting.

Jan and Dan are brother and sister. Jan likes to meet new people. Dan likes to spend time alone. But one day there was a mysterious man walking down their street. He was wearing a long trench coat and hat. Jan wanted to say 'hi' to the man, but Dan said "we don't talk to strangers".

The mysterious man seemed to disappear into the bushes. As Dan and Jan got closer they realized it was their grandpa that they had seen. They both ran to greet their grandpa.

The street Dan and Jan live on, one day


Name the characters.

Jan and Dan are brother and sister. Jan likes to meet new people. Dan likes to spend time alone. But one day there was a mysterious man walking down their street. He was wearing a long trench coat and hat. Jan wanted to say 'hi' to the man, but Dan said "we don't talk to strangers".

The mysterious man seemed to disappear into the bushes. As Dan and Jan got closer they realized it was their grandpa that they had seen. They both ran to greet their grandpa.

Dan, Jan, and the mysterious man/ grandpa


Name the plot.

Jan and Dan are brother and sister. Jan likes to meet new people. Dan likes to spend time alone. But one day there was a mysterious man walking down their street. He was wearing a long trench coat and hat. Jan wanted to say 'hi' to the man, but Dan said "we don't talk to strangers".

The mysterious man seemed to disappear into the bushes. As Dan and Jan got closer they realized it was their grandpa that they had seen. They both ran to greet their grandpa.

Jan and Dan saw a mysterious man walking down their street. It was their grandpa.


What is another word for the problem in a story?

