Language of the OT
Who wrote the Bible?
God inspired a variety of people to write His words in their own voice.
What was the promise given to Noah after the flood?
God _____a variety of people to write the Bible in their own _________.
Inspired, voice
How do we fit into God's story?
His story is still unfolding because there is no end. We are called to be messengers of his story.
Language of the NT
Why was the Bible written?
Tells the history, serves as a guide for our life, and teaches us to be more like Him.
The traditional Southern boundary city of Israel.
God _____those we wouldn't ______.
choose, choose
What OT story symbolizes the differences and distances between people?
Tower of Babel
How were stories passed on before the Bible was written?
Oral Tradition
Why is it tough to find exact Biblical dates?
There were no defined dates. No one knew when Christ would be born.
The traditional Northern boundary city of Israel
The Bible tells a history of God's ________with mankind.
Why do we care about chronology
God's story wouldn't make sense if it was out of order.
The 5 sections of the NT
Gospels, Historical, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, Apocalyptical
How many years before Jesus was Abraham?
Name a judge other than Gideon, Samson, or Deborah.
Ehud, Othniel, Shamgar
The Bible also serves as a_______for our everyday lives.
What is chronology?
study of the order of events
Law, History, Wisdom/Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets
How were God's promises fulfilled with Jesus?
A Savior was promised
What was the relationship between God and us after the fall?
We turned away, God kept pursuing us.
It teaches us to be more_____Him.
What was the relationship between God and us supposed to be like (before sin)?
We were supposed to be in "Perfect Communion with God." In short, we were supposed to walk and talk with God.