DOUBLE JEOPARDY - Who are your facilitators today?
Wade and TaShawna
A ten year old sneaks one beer with a friend. It's his first time drinking. Is he abusing, using or dependent on beer/alcohol?
what is...using
What is pre-contemplation.
How long does marijuana stay in your system?
what is about 30 days, depending on your use.
Whowas the previous AWESOME very much missed counselor?
A 72 year old lady tries cocaine once and only once. Her 21 year old grandson thought she was cool. Is the lady using, abusing or dependent on cocaine?
what is...using
What does the "action" stage look like within the stages of change?
Made the change already and putting the plan into action.
What organ in your body does alcohol affect the most?
What is...the liver
What is TaShawna's addiction?
Wings at...wingstop
A person smokes a pack of cigarettes every day. he enjoys it and has no desire to quit. Is this person using, abusing or dependent on cigarettes?
What is...dependent.
When can relapse happen?
In any stages of change
These are common terms for what substance: pot, herb, ganja, grass, hash, oil.
What is...marijuana
What is Wade's role?
Peer Support
A 16 year old smokes a joint every day after school during lunch. He says it relaxes him and he cannot relax without smoking. Is the 16 year old using, abusing or dependent on smoking?
what is...dependent.
A 21 year old male who has learned that his kidneys are not functioning well due to his continued drinking habits. He has decided to stop drinking and is thinking of going to therapy for help. What stages of change is he in?
What is...Maintenace.
What are some symptoms of a hangover?
what are....dehydration, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Which facilitators are in recovery
Who is... Wade
A hardworking individual goes to a bar after work and has three cocktails every night, then he drives home. Is this individual using, abusing or dependent on drinking?
what is...abusing.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY - What stage are you in?
Facilitor's choice
Which state was the first to legalize medical cannabis?
What is...California in 1996.