What bible story is 5000 Pies named after?
Jesus feeds the 5000 (John 6)
How many books are in the bible?
66 books
What was Jesus' first sign?
Turning water into wine (John 2)
What ethnicity is Jesus?
Jewish, Middle Eastern
Where did Jesus turn water into wine?
Cana in Galilee
What is our most popular menu item?
Jaguar chicken fries
What is the first book of the bible?
What is the last book of the bible?
How many loaves of bread, and how many fish, did Jesus use to feed 5000 people?
5 loaves, 2 fish (John 6:9)
How old was Jesus when he first started his public ministry?
about 30 years old (Luke 3:23)
What is the capital city of Israel?
What year was 5000 Pies started?
How many biographies of Jesus life are in the bible?
4 - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Who did Jesus heal from miles away?
The Official's son (John 4:46-54)
Approximately how old was Jesus when he was crucified?
33 years old
In what city was Jesus born?
Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1)
What are the three types of specialty Deep Dish
Loaded, Spinach, Spicy
How many languages was the bible originally written in?
3 - Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek
How did Jesus heal the man born blind?
Jesus smeared saliva mud on the man's eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam (John 9:6-7)
Growing up, what did Jesus do for work?
Carpentry (Mark 6:3)
Where was the lame man healed?
The pool of Bethesda (John 5)
What is 5000 Pies Mission Statement?
Our mission is to transform the lives of young adults in West Long Beach through culinary employment and life skills coaching.
Approximately how many languages has the bible been translated into?
3000 (Approx)
2,883 (2014)
How many years had the lame man been paralyzed?
38 years
What did Jesus say about himself to Martha, when she said she knew her brother Lazarus would rise again on the last day?
"I am the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25)
In what city did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?
Bethany (John 11)