Work Habits
Friends & Social Life
Pot Pourri (Miscellaneous)

This teacher in particular really doesn't like it when students are late (in fact, you might even want to get into the habit of showing up a few minutes early to his class =)

Who is Mr. G?


Make sure that you write these down when you are in class and a teacher is giving you some important information or going over how to do something.

What are notes?


En esta clase vas aprender sobre el dia de muertos.

Que es EspaƱol?


Don't try to be someone you're not -- instead, just follow this two-word piece of advice from the class of 2024:  __ _________

What is "be yourself"?


In seventh-grade, our outdoor ed trip is to this most recently designated national park.

What is Pinnacles!


Coach G may have a (very) loud voice, but all he has to do is push a little button to make this attention-getting noise.

What is his whistle?


If you're not already in the habit, you should really work checking the "to-do" list in this cyber-site each day so that you don't miss any important deadlines.

What is Google Classroom?


In science, you will likely create a project which contains a nucleus, mitochondria, golgi bodies, ribosomes, all of which are parts of this building block of life.

What is a cell?


While it's important to maintain your existing friendships, it's also a good idea to try to do this, (two-word metaphor that comes from the world of trees).

What is "branch out"?


This ancient Greek philosopher's portrait is painted on the side of the Mandarin room in green (Mr. Carlstroem also keeps a stuffy of this guy in his office).

Who is Socrates?


Ms. Piper loves this beverage (and may even share some with you if you are nice to her).

What is Trader Joes seasonal Candy Cane Tea (only available in the month of December)?

While the homework load does ramp up in seventh-grade, you'll be fine as long as you don't do this (which is a fancier word for putting stuff off until the last minute).

What is procrastinate?


This Roman General-turned-Dictator ended the Roman Republic in 49 BCE by marching his troops across the Rubicon River.

Who is Julius Caesar


Just because one of these people doesn't like a particular subject or classmate or teacher doesn't mean you also have to dislike it too.

Who are your friends?


What animal is our school Mascot?

What is a jaguar?

This teacher is a table tennis MAVEN and can probably wipe the ping pong table with you at recess.

Who is Ms. Xu?


Make sure that you do this loud and often disruptive thing before class begins so as not to annoy your teacher and classmates.

What is sharpen your pencil?


You might have seen this year's seventh-graders carrying around one of these five books that they read in English Class this year (you can give the title of any one of these books for credit).

What are The Outsiders, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Animal Farm, All-American Boys, To Kill a Mockingbird?


If someone looks lonely, sad, or like they are just having a hard day, it might be nice to do this

What are: be extra kind, check in with them to see if they are ok, ask them to join you and your friends at lunch, let an adult know if it seems serious, etc. ?


This on-campus club sponsored Monday's Pride Parade.

What is QSA?


This returning teacher is the mother of a graduated alum and a graduating eighth-grader.

Who is Ms. Reeves (who will be your art teacher next year!)

This teacher expects that you will always have a two pencils and red pen (and it will take a while to get the hang of the way the homework is posted, but you'll get used to it).

Mr. G


In Math, you may learn the formula a2 + b2 = c2, otherwise known as this ancient Greek mathematician

Who is Pythagoras (or what is The Pythagorean Theorem)?


This is both a subject you'll take in seventh-grade as well as the inevitable social ups and downs you may encounter at some point in middle school (don't worry -- it happens to everyone)

What is drama?


Black Pine Circle School was founded in this year (and is about to celebrate a milestone birthday!)

