What is the term for the stage of life when the body starts to develop and change into an adult?
What is the tube that connects the ovary to the uterus, where fertilization often occurs?
The fallopian tube
What is another word for birth control methods?
What does STI stand for?
Sexually Transmitted Infection
Name one physical change that happens to boys during puberty?
Growth Spurt
Voice Deepening
Development of Muscles
Facial and Body Hair
Nocturnal Emissions (Wet Dreams)
Increased Sweat Glands Activity
What is the name of the organ in males that produces sperm?
The testes
What is the only 100% effective birth control method? (need to use correct word)
What is the only form of contraception that can protect your body from STI's? (other than abstinence)
Name one physical change that happens to girls during puberty?
Breast Development
Growth Spurts
Widening of Hips
Development of Pubic and Underarm Hair
Menstruation (Periods)
What is the monthly shedding of the uterine lining called?
Menstruation (period accepted also)
What is the name of the small, T-shaped device that a doctor inserts into the uterus to prevent pregnancy?
an IUD
True or False, you will always see symptoms and know when you have been infected with an STI.
a combination of the thoughts and feelings that you have about your body.
What is Body Image?
After conception an embryo becomes this.
What is a fetus?
What are some potential consequences of choosing not to remain abstinent?
unplanned pregnancy, contracting an STI, or emotional distress.
What STI can cause painful sores and blisters around the genitals or mouth and stays in the body for life, with recurring outbreaks?
What is the organ where a baby grows during pregnancy?
The uterus
Name two types of contraceptives that can be purchased at a grocery store or pharmacy without a prescription or ID. **Must name both**
What is one reason why it is important to talk to a trusted adult or healthcare provider about sexual health?
To get accurate information, prevent risks, or address health concerns