True or false: Sexual selection helps animals survive.
False! Sexual selection helps animals reproduce.
Peacocks _____ help them mate because _______
Peacocks feathers help them mate because colorful feathers reflect their health
who was born in july
Althea and qunn
Who first introduced sexual selection as a theory? What year?
Charles Darwin in 1859
Moose _____ help them mate because _______
Moose antlers help them mate because they establish dominance and showcase their physical competition
Who is so deathly terrified of dogs that whenever she sees them, she quivers, rolls up into a ball on the floor, and has to go to the hospital?
Sexual selection starts with a _____
Blue footed booby's _____ help them mate because _______
Blue footed booby's big blue feet help them mate because they display health and ability to protect potential offspring.
who was in a fatal golf cart accident caused by their sister last summer
kendall! 😂
Sexual selection is the process which individuals compete for mates and ________
Fruit flies attract mates by __________
Fruit flies attract mates by giving female flies silk-wrapped insects as offerings
Whose middle name is rose?
Stella + althea
What is sexual selection?
Sexual selection is a theory that explains how traits that are non-beneficial to survival form to give organisms an advantage when trying to reproduce
Elephants _____ help them mate because ______
Elephants ears help them mate because when they flap their ears it alerts females that they are ready to mate
who was born wit a small tail?
trick question ahahahahahahahahahaahahaah