What day is Anu's birthday?
What is January 13?
What is the official name of the college Miranda went to for undergrad?
Duke University
Sadie is allergic to these
What are Kiwis?
What is the name of Hannah's moms dog's name?
Who is Rocky?
Which member of the sexy 6 has the first birthday of the year?
Who is Anu?
What is the name of the company Anu works at?
Where is Numerator?
In what month does Miranda finish her rotations?
(What is December)
How many men has Sadie kissed?
What is 2?
How many body piercing holes does Hannah have on her body?
What is 5?
Which member of the sexy 6 has the most Instagram followers?
Who is Lucy?
Who is the last person Anu publicly venmo'd?
Who is Caroline Werner?
Who is Walker?
What are the letters after Sadie's name? Bonus points if you know what they stand for
What is Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD), and Occupational Therapist, Registered and Licensed (OTR/L)
Who was Hannah's top artists according to Spotify Wrapped?
Which member of the sexy 6 has lived in the most countries?
Who is Miranda?
How many full years did Anu work at West Monroe?
What is 2 years?
What are Miranda's parents names?
Who are Thekla and John?
How many of Sadie's facebook profile pictures feature Max?
What is ZERO?
How many (in multiples of 100) Facebook friends does Hannah have?
What is 900?
The number of times a sexy 6 member has been to Mardi Gras (if on member has been 3 times and another 1 time, that would count as 4)
What is 7?
How many pictures on Instagram does Anu have of an ex of another sexy 6 member?
What is 2?
This ex boyfriend of Miranda's is famously known for letting her know they were dating after she broke up with him
Who is Josh? John? Something with a J I can't remember
Which member of the sexy 6 venmo'd Sadie for "The amount of pints of Icecream the average American consumers is 48"
Who is Beth?
What is 5?
(Hannah please confirm I lost count)
These 2 artists were the 2 artists that showed up the most when looking at everyone's top artists for Spotify Wrapped
Who are Taylor Swift and Maggie Rogers?