The first lighter was produced in 1816, 10 years (blank) the first friction match was developed
The first friction match was developed in 1826
This Chuck Palahnuik novel was made into a movie with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton
Fight Club
Jeopardy!'s sister game show which you cannot compete on if you have been on Jeopardy!
Wheel of Fortune
One of 8 flexible limbs on an octopus
This purple flower is often used in potpourri and, in ancience Rome, was sold for 100 denari per pound.
This animal, whose Latin name is Canis rufus, has an estimated population of only 300 members.
Red wolf
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919, 7 years (blank) the HMS Titanic sunk into the Atlantic
The Titanic sunk in 1912
Mockingjays are a symbol of defiance in this trilogy
The Hunger Games
The host of Jeopardy! for 36 years
Alex Trebek
A male singing voice producing tones above and beyond its normal range
This spice, often included in potpourri, was named as early as 1621 and was valued because it combined the flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove.
This ocean dweller is both the largest living animal and the largest animal ever known to have existed.
Blue Whale
Prohibition started in the US in 1920, 3 years (blank) the Ottoman Empire collapsed
The Ottoman Empire collapsed in 1923
The title character of this book was doubly curious when she grew taller and taller
Alice in Wonderland
The holder of the longest winning streak in Jeopardy! history with 74 games
Ken Jennings
Daily Double
Existing as a permanent, inseparable quality
Wood shavings from this evergreen, whose berries are used to flavor Gin, are a frequent ingredient in potpourri and are used to repel moths.
In the United States, streams are limited in width to this measurement.
60 feet
It is disputed whether Sir Isaac Newton or Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz first invented the theories for calculus in the mid 1660s, what is not disputed: this was 30 years (blank) the first American college was founded
Harvard was founded in 1636
The rhyming title of a book about the true story of the Manson murders
Helter Skelter
The frequency Jeopardy! is filmed
weekly, a weeks episodes are filmed on Mondays
A purposeful activity, or a concerted effort towards an end
This seed, often included in potpourri, is responsible for the anise-like flavoring of many foods and drinks.
Fennel seed
There are this many National Parks in the United States.
the first space shuttle was created in 1976, 3 years (blank) the Sony Walkman went on sale
The first Sony Walkman was sold in 1979
The name of the Ent that carries Merry and Pippin through Fanghorn Forest in Lord of the Rings
Jeopardy! has been on the air since 1984, but is not the original. This is the host of the original from 1964 to 1975
Art Flemming
A nonchalant attitude, or a supporter of Charles I of England
Porpoutti came to English from the French name for a Spanish stew called "olla podrida" from this region of Spain.
Water, a necessary part of known life on Earth, covers this percentage of its surface.