Understanding Language

Ann is writing to describe something. Here are the traits she is thinking about including in her writing:

furry, four legs, likes walks, plays fetch, animal

What is a trait that could be added to her list? 

Examples: likes to be petted, barks, chews on bones


Choose the missing word. 

Mary was ________ to ask her mom for the money.

A. hesitant

B. hesitantly

C. hesitants 

D. hesitating

A. Mary was hesitant to ask her mom for the money. 


"Ruth, turn off the television."


"It has a bad ______ on your sleep."

What word goes in the blank?

A. effects

B. affects

C. effect

D. affect

C. effect

It has a bad effect on your sleep.


Among other issues, the neighbors fought ______ their land. 

A. against

B. over

C. under

D. until

B. over

Among other issues, the neighbors fought over their land. 


Which sentence is punctuated correctly? 

A. Price ate the fish; he really didn't want it.

B. Price ate the fish, he really didn't want it.

C. Price ate the fish he really didn't want it.

D. Price ate the fish: he really didn't want it. 

A. Price ate the fish; he really didn't want it. 

Anteaters can be found in Central and South America. They eat ants and termites. Anteaters are in the same family as sloths, but they look more like aardvarks. 

Which sentence gives more information about the similarities in appearance between the aardvark and the anteater?

A. Like aardvarks, anteaters eat both ants and termites.

B. Anteaters have bushy tails.

C. Anteaters have little ears.

D. Anteaters and aardvarks both have long snouts.

D. Anteaters and aardvarks both have long snouts. 


Choose the missing word. 

Susan asked her friend for ________. 

A. Advise

B. Advice

C. Advising

D. Advicing

B. Susan asked her friend for advice.


Which of the following is a complete sentence?

A. Will be a very small part in the play?

B. Will be a very small part in the play, Cats. 

C. It will be a very small part in the play.

D. Be a very small part in the play.

C. It will be a very small part in the play. 


After I shop for the presents, I ______ them all night.

A. will wrapping

B. will be wrapping

C. wrapped

D. wrap

B. will be wrapping

After I shop for the presents, I will be wrapping them all night. 


Andrew don't want no more potatoes.

Which is the best way to correct this sentence?

A. Andrew doesn't got no more potatoes.

B. Andrew doesn't want no more potatoes.

C. Andrew doesn't want any more potatoes.

D. Andrew wants any more potatoes. 

C. Andrew doesn't want any more potatoes. 


Jack is writing a persuasive essay about four-day school weeks. He is trying to convince his readers that this model is the best choice. In his planning, Jack listed possible topics for his body paragraphs. 

Which topic should Jack not write a body paragraph about?

A. Four-day school weeks save the school money.

B. A shorter school week is less stressful for both teachers and students.

C. A four-day school week can be difficult for working parents.

D. Students miss less class time for sports and appointments with a four-day school week.

C. A four-day school week can be difficult for working parents. 


The Pumas are ________ the games against the Chivas. 

Which word should complete this sentence?

A. loosing

B. loses

C. losing

D. looses

C. losing


Which of the following is a fragment?

A. The walk in the forest with my friend, Jasmine.

B. The walk was good.

C. The walk in the forest was refreshing.

D. The walk in the forest with my friend, Jasmine, was refreshing. 

A. The walk in the forest with my friend, Jasmine. 


I can't go outside until I ______ my homework.

A. finish

B. finishes

C. finished

D. will finish

A. finish

I can't go outside until I finish my homework.


Which word is spelled correctly?

A. dissappear

B. disapear

C. disappear

D. disappeer

C. disappear


Ethan is writing a paper about jaguars in the wild.

Which web search would be MOST useful to Ethan?

A. The 2020 Jaguars comes with touch control
B. Small animals in the wild
C. Panthers and other large cats in the jungle
D. New Jaguar born in San Diego zoo

C. Panthers and other large cats in the jungle


Alma returned to book __________ she finished reading it. 

A. because

B. yet

C. so

D. but

A. because


I will ______ the award for my sister who is sick.

A. accept

B. except

C. accepts

D. excepts

A. accept

Anna is _____ pianist in the school.

A. the better

B. the bestest

C. the best

D. the better

C. the best

Anna is the best pianist in the school. 


Which sentence correctly uses quotation marks?

A. Bill asked, "Can you pass me a cookie"?

B. "Will you come home tonight?" I asked.

C. "Robert said, Leave me alone."

D. "Ken," "I asked, Do you have a ticket?"

B. "Will you come home tonight?" I asked. 


John is writing an imaginative narrative. Here is what he has planned so far. 

Main character: Brandon

Setting: School, last day before Summer Break

Conflict: Brandon is nervous for school to be over because he doesn't want to spend months without seeing his friends

Resolution: Brandon finds ways to stay connected to his friends throughout the Summer. 

What does John need to include in his planning?

A. Other characters

B. The ending

C. Events 

D. Nothing is missing from John's planning

C. Events 


I do not like roller coasters ________ flip people upside down. 

A. because

B. which

C. there

D. that

D. that


The author is unknown. _____ wrote a good book. 

A. They

B. He or she

C. He

D. They're

B. He or she

The author is unknown. He or she wrote a good book. 


Neither Spain ______ Russia got to the quarterfinals last year. 

A. and

B. or

C. nor

D. but

C. nor

Neither Spain nor Russia got to the quarterfinals last year. 

*"Neither" must be used with "nor". "Either" is used with "or".


Which sentence has the italicized word spelled correctly? 

A. The event is on my calender.

B. The movie is begining soon.

C. What is your adress?

D. Do you believe in ghosts? 

D. Do you believe in ghosts?
