Wesley's leadership position last year
What is Kara's favorite drink?
this is the mission statement
Movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Christ
This bread came from heaven
This is the UT president
Jay Hartzell
What is Wesley's favorite car?
Which apt/dorm did kara live last year? (bonus points for floor #)
Jester West (6th floor)
This is our core team
Adrienne, Elaina, Allison, Cory, Mabel, Michael, Katie
The number of sisters Lazarus had
2 (Mary and Martha)
how many floors in Jester West
Where did Wesley study abroad?
Wesley, Kara, Natalie, Christina, Grace (Kuo), Kathy, Tiffany, Nathanael, Christine, Brianna, Silas, Caleb, Harvey
Adam and Eve's 3rd son
This is the number of UT libraries
A license other than a driver's license that Wesley has
a private pilot glider license
What's the furthest distance kara has run?
5 mi
This was last semester's large group theme
Live, Laugh, Love
This king had an ivory throne
Who is Solomon
This is the number of Bevos we've had
What are 3 of Wesley's favorite worship songs?
Scandal of Grace, Reckless Love, So Will I, How Deep the Father's Love, Goodness of God, Touch of Heaven, How Marvelous, Good Plans, Jesus is Better, Gracious Redeemer, Resurrender
What sport(s) did kara play in high school?
gymnastics and vb
The exact location of large group
William C. Hogg 1.120
Who helped Joseph carry Jesus' body to the tomb
Nicodemus (John 19:39)
The exact score of the SEC championship