Place Value
Which number has a 4 in the hundreds place? a. 325,875 b. 795,456 c. 432,987 d. 564,582
What is b. 795,456?
71,245 - 6,911
What is 64,334?
What is a collection of points that goes on and on in both directions called?
What is a line?
What is the product of 359 and 6?
What is 2,154?
Find the Least Common Multiple of 5 and 6.
What is 30?
When rounded to the nearest ten thousand, which numbers would round to 450,000? a. 454,987 b. 458,365 c. 447,894 d. 442,421
What are a. 454,987 and c. 447,894?
Which best describes the sum of 12,594 + 15,438? a. Closer to 29,000 than 30,000 b. Closer to 28,000 than 29,000 c. Closer to 26,000 than 27,000 d. Closer to 27,000 than 26,000
What is b. Closer to 28,000 than 29,000?
Shayla has to draw a heptagon for her class. How many sides and angles does she need to draw?
What is seven?
Find the quotient of 528 and 5. a. 150 R3 b. 105 R3 c. 152 d. 2,640
What is 105 R3?
Which statements are true? a. 4/10 = 2/5 b. 3/6 = 3/12 c. 2/3 = 4/6 d. 4/8 = 10/12
What are a and c?
Which statements are true? a. 7,352,576 < 7,481,095 b. 1,541,204 > 1,540,736 c. 3,860,432 < 3,869,897 d. 2,048,731 > 2,103,290 e. 4,243,650 < 4,243,651
What are a, b, c, and e?
Mrs. Morin's class has a goal of selling 500 movie tickets in four months. The class sold 128 tickets in the first month and 203 tickets in the second month. They sold 65 tickets in the third month. Exactly how many tickets do they still need to sell to reach their goal?
What is 104 tickets?
Which of the following are characteristics of a polygon? a. made of three or more straight line segments b. open figure c. closed figure d. has curved sides
What are a and c?
Jackie has 126 fish in her aquarium. She wants to double her collection by the summer. How many fish will she have in her collection when she's done?
What is 252 fish?
Which statement is true? a. 2/4 = .30 b. 4/5 = .8 c. 3/4 = .70 d. 3/5 = .5
What is b. 4/5 = .8?
Which digit is in the thousandths place? 1,598.327
What is 7?
Mr. Greene has 86 colored markers in his collection. Mrs. Ellis has 6 times as many markers. If they combine their collections, how many markers do they have? a. 92 b. 430 c. 602 d. 516
What is 602 markers?
A square is both a ___________ and a __________. a. circle and a rhombus b. a triangle and a rectangle c. a parallelogram and a quadrilateral d. a quadrilateral and a triangle
What is c. a parallelogram and a quadrilateral?
Ellie has been saving her candy to share with five friends. She has collected 453 pieces of candy. If Ellie gets the same amount of candy as her friends, how many pieces will each person get? Will there be any left over?
What is 75 pieces, with 3 left over?
Write five hundred and twenty-three thousandths in standard form.
What is 500.023?
A fundraiser for school made $54,367. What is the value of the 5 in $54,367?
What is 50,000?
A plane was traveling at 404 miles per hour. If it slows down by 56 miles per hour, at what speed will the plane be traveling?
What is 348 miles per hour?
The line segments on a flag are ________________. a. parallel b. perpendicular c. vertical d. intersecting
What is parallel?
Five fourth grade classes are collecting cans for recycling. Each class has collected 596 cans so far. If they are taking the cans to four different recycling centers, how many cans will go to each one?
What is 745 cans?
What is 216.87 rounded to the nearest whole number? a. 216.88 b. 216.9 c. 216 d. 217
What is d. 217?