How many types of self-esteem are there, and what are they?
High Self-Esteem and Low Self-Esteem
It is important to know and recognize your own strengths and weaknesses.
True or False?
What is doing something different or out of your routine, that helps you improve your self-esteem.
Trying new things.
Having good fashion taste makes you important.
True or False?
If you have low self-esteem, you are able to set goals and work towards them with optimism and humor.
True or False?
Understanding your own strengths, weaknesses, and preferences is not essential to boost your self-esteem.
True or False?
False! It IS essential.
Something you must think thoroughly about, before deciding something.
Making choices
You are important if you have a lot of money.
True or False?
With high self-esteem, your are REALISTIC about your _____________ and ______________
Strengths and Weaknesses
The first step in building your self-esteem is being realistic at your strengths and weaknesses and likes and dislikes.
True or False?
True! This helps us know what goals are realistic to accomplish.
Looking at what needs to be done and figure out how to do it.
Solving a problem
I should do what my friends tell me to do in order to stay friends.
True or False?
It refers to how we understand and value ourselves.
Self-knowledge helps lay the foundation for low self-esteem.
True or False?
What is it called when you try your best no matter how hard it gets, and you do not stop until task is finished or completed.
Not quitting
Not giving up
(Sticking with what you start.)
If someone feels that I am not important, I should listen to them so I can change to be more likable.
True or False?
Where can we find the truth about who we really are?
Only through God or the Bible.
He made us, knows us better than we know ourselves, and loves us exactly how we are.
Why is it important to not be afraid to try new things?
To get new experiences, and know for yourself if you like it or not.
Taking _______________ for you choices and actions, including your _____________ and failures.
Responsibility and Successes
Name 3 things that can help build self-esteem.
Trying new things
Making choices
Solving problems
Stick with what you start/ don't give up
Take responsibility for your choices and actions