Physical and Chemical Changes
Ecosystem and Food Webs/Chains
Angkor Wat and the Khmer Empire
Travelling and our carbon footprints

What is the difference between a physical change and a chemical change?

A physical change involves a change in appearance or state without forming a new substance, while a chemical change results in the formation of new substances.


What is an ecosystem, and why is it important?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their environment. It's important because it maintains the balance of nature and provides resources for life.


Where is Angkor Wat located, and why is it famous?

Angkor Wat is located in Cambodia and is famous for its elaborate temple complex and historical significance.


What is a carbon footprint, and why is it important to reduce it?

A carbon footprint measures the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, and it's important to reduce it to mitigate climate change and environmental damage.


What is the process by which plants make their own food?



Give three examples of physical changes that you observe in everyday life.

Examples include melting ice, tearing paper, and boiling water.


Describe the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers in an ecosystem.

Producers make food, consumers eat it, and decomposers break down dead organisms to recycle nutrients.


Who built Angkor Wat, and what was its original purpose?

Angkor Wat was built by the Khmer Empire, specifically Suryavarman II in the 12th century as a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Vishnu.


How does traveling by car contribute to our carbon footprint?

Traveling by car burns fossil fuels, releasing carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to our carbon footprint.


What type of energy is at the center of most ecosystems?

Sunlight energy


How can you tell if a chemical change has occurred? 

Signs of a chemical change include the production of gas, change in color or release of energy.


How does energy flow through a food web? 

Energy flows from producers to consumers through feeding relationships, forming interconnected food chains.


What are some reasons for the decline of the Khmer Empire?

Factors contributing to the decline include environmental changes, wars, and political instability.


What are some ways to reduce your carbon footprint while traveling?

Ways to reduce carbon footprint include carpooling, using public transportation, walking, biking, or choosing fuel-efficient vehicles.


Please explain what a solvent, solute and solution is.

  • Solvent: It's like the main part of a mixture that can dissolve other things. Water is a common solvent.

  • Solute: It's the part that gets dissolved in the solvent. For example, sugar dissolves in water.

  • Solution: It's what you get when you mix a solvent and a solute together. Think of it like flavored water or saltwater.


How does heat affect physical and chemical changes differently?

Heat can speed up physical changes like melting or boiling, while it can cause chemical reactions to occur faster or slower.


Explain the difference between a food chain and a food web.

A food chain shows a single path of energy flow, while a food web shows multiple interconnected paths.


Why is Angkor Wat considered a symbol of Cambodia?

Angkor Wat is a symbol of Cambodia's cultural and religious heritage, representing its rich history and identity.


What are some alternatives to traveling long distances by plane?

Instead of flying, we can try taking a train, bus, or ferry if we need to go far.


Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?

The roots


Why is it important to understand the difference between physical and chemical changes in cooking?

Understanding the difference helps control processes like baking, frying, or fermentation, making sure that the cooking process goes well.  


What role do decomposers play in recycling nutrients in an ecosystem?

Decomposers break down dead organisms, returning nutrients to the soil for plants to use, thus recycling nutrients in the ecosystem.


What were some of the threats to the maintenance of Angkor in the 20th century?

Some threats to the maintenance of Angkor were: 

-The independence movement of Cambodia

- American bombs in the 1970's 

-The civil war in the 1980's 


How can individuals and communities work together to decrease carbon footprints associated with travel?

When we work together to use less gas and energy, we can help the Earth and keep it clean for everyone. We can do this by carpooling, using public transport and walking and biking as much as possible and moving towards more sustainable travel options like electric cars. 


What are abiotic and biotic factors and give three examples of each. 

Abiotic factors: These are non-living things in an environment. Examples: sunlight, temperature, water.

Biotic factors: These are living things in an environment. Examples: plants, animals, bacteria.
