El lunes odio ir al colegio
On Monday I hate to go/going to school
¿How do you say "la Tierra" in English?
On Monday, Javier enjoys himself in school
El lunes Javier lo pasa bien en el colegio
How do you say "espacio" in English?
Translate this sentence:
On Saturday my dog pulls his leash
El sábado mi perro tira de la correa
La amiga de Darío siguió a mi hermano en instagram
Darío's friend followed my brother on instagram
How do you say "último" in English?
On Tuesday, Paz believes in herself
El martes Paz cree en si misma
How do you say "basura" in English?
Translate this sentence:
On Sunday Emma prepares herself for school
El domingo Emma se prepara para el colegio
Martín cogió la torre de Lego a tiempo
Natalia caught the Lego tower on time
Can you name 3 things that start with the letter L?
Lentils, Letter, Lamp
On Wednesday, Marina likes visiting her grandparents
El miércoles a Marina le gusta visitar a sus abuelos
Ask your classmates!
How do you say "bata" in English?
Lucas corrió a coger un papel para hacer origami
Lucas raced to get/grab a paper for doing origami
Can you name 3 things that start with the letter B?
Barbaque, bus, bar
On Thursday Pablo introduces himself to my friends
El jueves Pablo se presenta a mis amigos
Do you know any interesting facts about insects?
Ask Luis!
The first person to race to the end of the classroom gets an extra point!
El viernes espero a mis vecinos en la comunidad
On Friday I wait for my neighbors in the neighborhood
How do you say "Luna" in English?
On Friday Irina throws out the food that smells bad
El viernes Irina tira la comida que huele mal
How do you say "estrella" in English?
The first 2 people to get up and say "space" win an extra point!