The 3 main rules at Shack.
What is 8:15 am?
No labels or logos on the outside of clothing larger than a ___________ card (3 inches). Exception made for spirit wear.
What is a credit card?
The amount of time you have to get to class.
What is 4 minutes?
Shack Patriots follow a strict cell phone (and headphone) policy meaning it should be ___ and not _________ during class and passing period.
What is off and not visible?
If I am absent it is ______ responsibility to get my make-up work. Not my teachers.
What is my?
This is the limit to the number of absences a student can have for the semester. Students over this number will be contacted by the truancy police officer and may be required by the judge to attend summer school.
What is 9?
Sweatshirts can be worn to school if they are solid navy, true red, or white but students may not wear _______ on head.
What is a hood?
The amount of time the music plays to help you be on time to class?
What is 3 minutes?
Failure to follow the cell phone or electronic device policy results in a $___ fee/fine to return the item.
What is $15.
It is my __________________ to turn my work in on time.
What is responsibility?
The school principal's last name is?
What is Smith?
What is demin?
At Shack, the hallways and stairs only go _____ way during passing period.
What is one?
Part of your Shack uniform is wearing your school issued ____ badge at all times while on school campus or attending a school related activity.
What is ID or identification badge?
In order to pass all my classes, I need to earn a grade of _____ or higher.
What is 70?
This is the lowest grade you can earn in a six weeks and still be on the Shack honor roll.
What is 80?
The student ID badge is part of the school uniform. Students may NOT ____________ any part of their ID with marker, stickers or anything else that obscures the name or picture.
What is cover?
What is 8:45?
The only appropriate public displays of affection at shcool are ______ holding, walking arm-in-arm, and/or a brief _____.
What is hand holding and a brief hug?
This rule means you cannot have a pass to leave the classroom the first or last ten minutes of class.
What is 10 / 10?
Passing period is time to get to class, use the __________ and get a drink. Your classroom time is very valuable and should be used learning.
What is the restroom?
What is house shoes or slippers?
This is a common consequence for being tardy to class.
What is lunch detention?
Students that attend a sporting event must have an ______ present to supervise them at all time and able to take them home.
What is an adult?