First Wave
Second Wave
Third Wave

The year congress ratified the 19th amendment, supposedly granting women the right to vote, though Native, Chinese, and Black women cold not vote until much later.

When is 1920?
Audre Lorde's book which contains the quote: "If I didn't define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people's fantasies for me and eaten alive."
What is "Learning from the 60s"?

The landmark decision in 1973 where the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant person's liberty to have an abortion without excessive government restriction.

What is Roe v. Wade?


The author, theorist, educator, and social critic well known for her first major work "Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism" as well as other works on race, class, and feminism.

Who is bell hooks? (Who is Gloria Watkins?)


The Métis attorney who made a statement with her appearance marching in the national Woman's Suffrage Procession in 1913.

Who is Marie Louise Bottineau Baldwin?


The woman who was both the first Native American and the first African American female pilot. She was rejected from flying schools in the US and had to go to France to get her license in 1921.

Who is Bessie Coleman?


A genre of music focused on themes of sexism, patriarchy, racism, abuse, and sexual assault,but has been recognized as not being very inclusive of the experiences of women of color.

What is Riot Grrl?


The person who won the "Rulebreaker Award" in 2017 for Billboard Women in Music with the album "Themself."

Who is Kehlani?


The Dutch abolitionist that gave a speech on Women's Rights and slavery at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention in 1851. A white woman titled this speech "Ain't I a Woman" in her translation, though she had actually said something more like "I am a Women's rights."

Who is Sojourner Truth?


The year the Equal Pay Act was passed.

When is 1963?


The woman who testified against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas for sexual harassment, after which he was still appointed.

Who is Anita Hill?


The modern song artist who has been nicknamed "Lesbian Jesus."

Who is Hayley Kiyoko?


The piece of legislation that prevented Chinese women from having equal rights to vote after the passing of the 19th amendment.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


The book of "Essays and Speeches" Audre Lorde published in 1984, including her most famous essay "The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House."

What is Sister Outsider?


The woman who coined the therm "Third Wave Feminism."

Who is Rebecca Walker?


The only drag king of the Jewel Box Revue and also a bouncer for lesbian bars between the '80s and '90s. She was also a part of the Stonewall Veterans Association in her later hears.

Who is Stormé DeLarverie ?


The woman who founded La Liga Feminil Mexicaista (the League of Mexican Women).

Who is Joviata Idár?


The latina woman who edited the feminist anthology "This Bridge Called My Back," which focused on the experiences of women of color.

Who is Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa ?

The first Woman of Color in the US House of Representatives. She was also the first Asian American to run for president.

Who was Patsy Mink (Patsy Takemoto)?


The Blues singer and drag king during the Harlem Renaissance who was known for her "deep, growling, trumpet-like scat" and "raunchy" renditions of popular songs.

Who is Gladys Bentley?
