Just Care Management Things
Sinai Central
In Practice
General Knowledge

What does NHHR stand for? Name 2 reasons we longer receive NHHR patients.

Non-Hospitalized High Risk

1. relieves the operations team of the time spent assigning and then cleaning up pts at the end of the month that weren’t outreached

2. outreaching TOC and referred pts may yield more enrollments


Who are the 3 MSHP medical directors?

Dr. Eric Blutinger, Roy Cohen, Anuj Shah



What are 2015 and 2020 forms needed for and what is the difference between the two?

Medicaid sponsored transportation service for patients to/from medical appointments - contract with Medical Answering Services (MAS) 

2015 - required by Medicaid to justify the use of non-public transportation, such as taxi/livery or ambulette service

2020 - used for approving transportation outside of the “Common Medical Marketing Area" - a.k.a. local area 


What is the difference between equality and equity?

equality - treating everyone the same, regardless of differences; giving everyone the same resources and opportunities

equity - treating everyone differently to achieve equal outcomes; providing different levels of support based on individual circumstances to achieve fairness


Name 4 reasons a patient should be marked "not eligible"

- deceased

- enrolled in hospice

- discharge from ineligible unit

- discharge to SAR/SNF

- duplication of services (Mount Sinai Visiting Doctors)

- no method to contact patient

- pt requested to be placed on CM DO NOT CALL list


Name all 8 member hospitals of the Mount Sinai Health Network

(mountain on the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt - the place where, according to the Torah, Bible, and Quran, Moses received the Ten Commandments)

1. The Mount Sinai Hospital (Main Hospital)
2. Mount Sinai Queens
3. Mount Sinai Morningside
4. Mount Sinai West
5. Mount Sinai Brooklyn
6. Mount Sinai South Nassau
7. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary
8. Mount Sinai Beth Israel *

* Per State Senate last updated Aug 2024 - "conditional approval" to close - must meet Department of Health requirements
1. provide resources to Bellevue Hospital needed to care for expected increase in patients
2. establish new urgent care facility on NYEE campus open 24/7 that accepts Medicaid, Medicare, and uninsured patients
3. ensure BH patients can easily transfer to Mount Sinai Behavioral Health Center on Rivington St


What is the difference between palliative care and hospice?

palliative care - for people with serious or chronic illnesses that focuses on providing relief from symptoms, improving quality of life, increased functioning, and avoiding/controlling suffering **appropriate at any age and any stage of illness, can be provided along with curative treatment

hospice - focuses on caring (comfort and symptom management), not curing, for patients with terminal illness nearing the end of life


What is the difference between transference and countertransference?

transference - occurs when a client projects feelings, desires, or expectations for another person onto a clinician

countertransference - occurs when a clinician projects feelings, desires, or expectations for another person onto a client


What does REAP stand for? Name 3 issues they can assist with.

Resource Entitlement Advocacy Program
- needs medical services
- needs prescription drugs
- needs help with bills
- needs help with insurance
- needs help with managed care
- other benefits/entitlements (SNAP, cash assistance, rental arrears)


Name 3 resources available to employees and students of Mount Sinai for mental, emotional, or spiritual help

1. Center for Stress, Resilience, and Personal Growth (CSRPG) - resilience training workshops, individual therapy

2. Employee Assistance Program - short-term counseling and referrals)

3. Mount Sinai Calm - yoga, meditation, music, art, self-care

4. Psychiatry Faculty Practice Associates - mental health evaluation and treatment

5. fitness classes offered 2nd Wednesday of every month at 1468 Madison Ave lobby (5:15pm, 6:15pm) *mats provided


What does a "differential diagnosis" mean?

Since there are a lot of different conditions that often share similar symptoms, a differential diagnosis is a list of possible conditions that could cause your symptoms. Additional tests are needed before making an accurate diagnosis. 

For example, certain behaviors can be consequences of either substance intoxication or a personality disorder. E.g. antisocial behavior


What are the 6 core values of social work according to the NASW Code of Ethics?


What are the 5 Social Determinants of Health domains required to be completed as part of patient assessments?

Food Insecurity, Utilities, Housing Stability, Transportation, Personal Safety


Which 4 Sinai practices have embedded pharmacists?


85th St Primary Care

GMA - 10 Union Square Primary Care

GMA - 281 First Ave


What does SSI and SSD stand for? What are the differences between the two?

SSI: Supplemental Security Income - Age (65+) OR blindness (any age) OR disability (any age) AND limited/no income and resources

SSD: Social Security Disability - Disability AND sufficient work credits, which is earned by # of years having paid Social Security taxes. # of credits needed is proportional to age / years worked (ex: If you develop a disability at age 34, then you generally need ~3 years of work. Age 50 - ~7 years of work).


What is considered the first social work school in the U.S.?

(est. 1898)


What does RAP stand for? Name all 10 non-Sinai partners in the RAP network.

Referral Access Program
- Institute for Community Living (ICL)
- New Horizon Counseling Center
- Greater Mental Health (GMH) of Westchester
- Samaritan Daytop Village
- Headway
- Services for the Underserved
- Valera Health
- SOL Mental Health
- Integrity Social Work Services
- Richmond University Medical Center (RUMC)


What does SWARI stand for? Name 3 of their offerings / accomplishments.

Social Work Anti-Racism and Inclusion Initiative - program dedicated to honoring and celebrating diversity throughout the Mount Sinai Health System by providing information and education, and stimulating dialogue among colleagues

- quarterly newsletters that share SWARI highlights, share information related to racial equity, provide Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) education and resources

- monthly affinity groups - spaces created for people to connect based on shared identities or interests (BIPOC, Jewish, Muslim, LGBTQ+)

- monthly reading groups - participate in discussions about journal articles focused on racism and health inequities (articles sent prior to meeting but can still join even if not read)

- focus on hiring BIPOC SWs through targeted recruitment efforts (including MSW field placement students)


Urgent Care vs Emergency Department: sort the following by which should be used when dealing with...

1. fever or flu
2. pregnancy-related problems
3. urinary tract infections
4. heavy, uncontrollable bleeding
5. poisoning
6. sudden numbness, weakness, slurred speech, or confusion
7. eye irritation or redness
8. vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration
9. suicidal or homicidal feelings
10. skin rashes

Urgent Care - does not appear to be life-threatening but cannot wait until the next day

Emergency Department - life-threatening concerns

1. fever or flu - urgent care
2. pregnancy-related problems - ED
3. urinary tract infections - urgent care
4. heavy, uncontrollable bleeding - ED
5. poisoning - ED
6. sudden numbness, weakness, slurred speech, or confusion - ED
7. eye irritation or redness - urgent care
8. vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration - urgent care
9. suicidal or homicidal feelings - ED
10. skin rashes - urgent care


What is the 21st Century Cures Act? Under what circumstances can exceptions to the act be made?

21st Century Cures Act 

- federal law designed to help patients quickly and easily access their electronic health information to make informed decisions about their care

- requires healthcare organizations to release electronic health information (such as clinical notes and test results) to patients as soon as the information is finalized

*exceptions - to protect privacy of another individual mentioned in the note, patient requests note to not be shared, research blinding, or to prevent harm to the patient
