He was born in Stratford-Upon-Avon
Where was Shakespeare born?
He went to London
Where did he go?
Mary felt terrible
How did Mary feel?
Macbeth felt guilty
How did Macbeeth feel ?
Angry, jealous
Thomas Swan's feeling?
He was born in 1564
When was he born ?
He had 3 childrens
How many childrens did he have ?
She felt terrible because she put pepper in her friend's pie
Why did she feel terrible?
The characters felt bad?
How did the characters feel ?
It means we you must by appearances
What does "all that glisters is not gold"means
Anne Hathaway
Who did he marry ?
The name was The glob
What was the name of the theatre he helped build ?
He had 7 siblings
How many brothers and sisters did he have?
Lady Macbeth said "what's done is done"
Who said "what's done is done"
It means you can't change the past
"what done is done"?
he wrote 38 plays
How many plays did he write?
He wrote comedies,tragedies
What type of plays did he write?
He went go to London in 1590?
When did he go to London ?
he felt guilty because he murdered the king?
Why did he feel guilty?
it means you do something bad for someone good
what does"cruel to be kind"
He studied Latin,Greek,history
What school subjects did he study?
He died on 23April 1616
When did he die ?
Shakespare said "There nothing you can do about it now"
What did Shakespeare say?
"what's done is done" means you can't change the past
What does "what's done is done"