Second name for English language
What is the language of Shakespeare?
"All the world a stage" is taken from this play
What is "As You Like it"?
The name of the theatre associated with Shakespeare
What is The Globe?
"To be, or not to be" is taken from this play
What is "Hamlet"?
To avoid marrying Paris, this character drinks a sleeping potion that makes her look dead
Who is Juliet from Romeo and Juliet?
The number of plays written by Shakespeare
What is 39?
The play had the same name as Shakespeare's son
What is "Hamlet"?
Shakespeare's sonnets 127–152, where is represented a woman symbolising the desire of men and physical love
What is the "Dark Lady Sonnets"?
"We have seen better days" is taken from this play
What is "As You Like it"?
This character’s rule is marked by a series of murders, betrayal, eventual downfall; he has been portayed on stage by Mait Malmsten
Who is Macbeth from the play with the same name?
Shakespeare's birthplace
What is Stratford-upon-Avon?
The play which is known for the line "And You, Brutus?"("Et tu, Brute?")
What is "Julius Caesar"?
A company of actors for which Shakespeare wrote during most of his career
What is Lord Chamberlain's Men?
Swagger is first used in this play
What is "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?
This lady dressed as a man named Ganymede to ensure her safety while travelling to forest to see her father, exiled Duke Senior
Who is Rosalind from As You Like it?
English poet, playwright and actor (also known as Shakespeare's wife)
Who is Anne Hathaway?
The name of Shakespeares play that was inspired from Ovid's tale of Phyramus and Thisbe.
What is "Romeo and Juliet"?
This type of meter has 10 syllables per line, with a pattern of unstressed and stressed syllables
What is iambic pentameter?
Unreal is first used in this play
What is "Macbeth"?
This murdered king’s ghost appears to his son, urging him to seek revenge
Who is King Hamlet from Hamlet?
The actress who got the Shakespeare prize in 1991
Who is Maggie Smith?
The play which is also called "The Scottish Play"
What is "Macbeth"?
During 1599-1642 The Globe was closed several times because of this three different reasons
What are plague, fire and Puritans?
"Love is blind" is used in this play
What is "The Merchant of Venice"?
Before dying, this character asks to be laid beside Juliet in her tomb
Who is Paris from Romeo and Juliet?