Where was Shakespeare born?
Stratford-Upon-Avon, England
Who built The Globe theater?
The King's Men company that Shakespeare was a part of.
What three locations are mentioned in the play?
Athens, Quince's house, and the woods
What is the name of the play by Shakespeare that we read in class?
A Midsummer Night's Dream
What are the names of the King and Queen of the fairy realm?
King Oberon and Queen Titania
What year did Shakespeare die?
Shakespeare died in 1616
Which character is upset about Hermia not wanting to marry Demetrius?
Egeus (Hermia's father)
What tragedy play did Shakespeare write about star-crossed lovers whose family opposes their relationship?
Romeo and Juliet
In the beginning, what does our love triangle look like? Who is in love with who?
Demetrius loves Hermia
Helena loves Demetrius
Hermia and Lysander love each other
What was the name of William Shakespeare's wife?
Anne Hathaway
What did they call the people who stood in the pit to watch the plays?
Which character gets his head turned into a Donkey's head?
Bottom, the weaver
What three types of plays did Shakespeare write?
History, Tradey, Comedy
What is the name of the magic flower?
How many children did Shakespeare have?
Shakespeare had 3 children
In what year did they rebuild The Globe after it burned down?
What two characters plan to run away together to be married?
Hermia and Lysander
Shakespeare had three professions, what were they?
Playwright, Poet, and Actor
What is the name of the group of actors that perform at the end of the play?
The Rude Mechanicals
What were the names of Shakespeare's children?
Judith, Hamnet, and Susanna
How did people know there was a play at the theater?
White flag on top of the hut.
What are the two names of the fairy that causes all of the mayhem in the play?
Robin Goodfellow--Puck
Shakespeare, as a poet, wrote a certain type of poetry. What were they called?
Who had amazing memes over "A Midsummer Night's Dream"?