Queen Elizabeth I
Globe Theatre
Elizabethan Daily Life
Elizabethan Food
Why is September 7, 1533 an important date?
The day that Queen Elizabeth was born.
Elizabethan fashion such as girdles and corsets were worn to obtain what look?
Women and men both wanted to obtain the "wasp" waisted look - - very small waist.
How many people could the Globe Theatre hold?
The Globe Theatre could hold up to 3000 people.
Who said, " I know I have but the body of a weak and feeble woman; but I have the heart of a king, and a king of England, too..."
Queen Elizabeth I
What did Elizabethans commonly use to decorate cooked foods?
Elizabethans commonly use to Peacock feathers to decorate cooked foods
Why did Queen Elizabeth cover her face with heavy white make-up.
Queen Elizabeth almost died from Smallpox and was left with scars on her face.
There were many upper class fashion restrictions. What type of cloth could only be worn by the Queen, Queen's mother, children, sisters and aunts?
The Queen, Queen's mother, children, sisters and aunts were the only ones allowed to wear cloth of gold or gold tissue.
Other than plays, name 2 other activities the theatres were used for.
The theatres were used for bear baiting and gambling.
What type of schools were available to the middle classes?
Grammar schools were available to the middle classes.
Where/how was a large amount of Elizabethan foods cooked?
A large amount of Elizabethan foods cooked over an open flame.
Princess Elizabeth lived with her stepmother. What was her stepmother's full name?
Katharine Parr
Because upper class was fashion was highly elaborate, it was referred to as what "age" of fashion?
It was called the "Peacock age"
Flags were used to advertise the plays. What type of play of being performed for a black flag, white flag and red flag?
black flag = tragedy white flag = comedy red flag = history
Why did Queen Mary obtain the nickname of "Bloody Mary"?
Queen Mary obtain the nickname of "Bloody Mary" because she was a devout Catholic and she persecuted Protestants.
What 2 foods was the lunch food regularly eaten for lower class workers?
Lower class workers regularly ate bread and cheese for lunch.
What was Queen Elizabeth's mother accused of and what was her punishment?
Anne Boleyn was accused of adultery and incest with her brother George Boleyn and she was beheaded at the Tower of London.
Name 4 materials that Elizabethan Nobles and Upper class citezens had their expensive clothing made out of.
Elizabethan Nobles and Upper class citezens had their expensive clothing made out of : Velvet, Satin, Fur, Silk, Lace, Cotton, Taffeta
What noise sounded to announce to the people that the play was about to begin?
A trumpet sounded to announce to the people that the play was about to begin.
What trade or occupation became very popular during the Elizabethan age?
The Wool trade became very popular during the Elizabethan age.
Water was not clean so what 2 drinks did the Elizabethan people drink?
The Elizabethan people drank wine and ale.
When did Queen Elizabeth die and what did she die of?
Queen Elizabeth died on March 24, 1603 of blood poinsoning.
To ensure specific class structure was maintained, English Sumptuary Laws governed the clothing Elizabethans were allowed to wear. Name 2 penalties for violating Sumptuary Laws.
Penalties for violating Sumptuary Laws included: Fines, Loss of property, Loss of title, Loss of life
Many of the boy actors died of poisoning. Why did this happen? (what poisoned them?)
Many of the boy actors died of poisoning due to the large quantities of lead in their make up.
Exploration across the oceans into the New World became popular in the Elizabethan age. Name 1 new food that was introduced as a result.
New foods that was introduced included: tomato, turkey and spices
Name 3 ways that Elizabethan food was commonly prepared (cooking methods).
Elizabethan food was commonly prepared : Spit roasting, Baking, Boiling, Smoking, Salting, Fried