Angel in disguise
Who is Satan?
(2 Corinthians 11:14) . . .And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.
I am just a boy
Who is Jeremiah?
(Jeremiah 1:6) 6 But I said: “Alas, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah! I do not know how to speak, for I am just a boy.. . .
Setting matters with Jehovah would make one's sin as... ?
White as snow
(Isaiah 1:18)
She could do just about anything she put her mind to do
The Capable Wife
(Proverbs 31:10) 10 Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far more than that of corals.
(Genesis 36:1) 36 This is the history of Eʹsau, that is, Eʹdom.
"Close Shave"
Who were Sansom and Delilah?
(Judges 16:18, 19) . . .When De·liʹlah saw that he had opened his heart to her, she immediately summoned the Phi·lisʹtine lords, saying: “Come up this time, for he has opened his heart to me.” So the Phi·lisʹtine lords came up to her, bringing the money with them. 19 She made him fall asleep on her knees; then she called the man and had him shave off the seven braids of his head. After that she began to have control over him, for his power was leaving him.
Bald head
(2 Kings 2:22-23)
22 And the water has been healed down to this day, according to the word spoken by E·liʹsha. 23 He went up from there to Bethʹel. As he was going along the way, some young boys came out from the city and began to jeer at him, and they kept saying to him: “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!”
He was as fast as a Gazelle
(2 Samuel 2:18) 18 Now the three sons of Ze·ruʹiah were there—Joʹab, A·bishʹai, and Asʹa·hel; and Asʹa·hel was as swift on his feet as a gazelle in the open field.
Could KFC, have gotten the idea for the slogan finger licken good from what happened to this woman?
Who is“Tabitha,” ?
(Acts 9:36) 36 Now there was in Jopʹpa a disciple named Tabʹi·tha, which means, when translated, “Dorʹcas.” She abounded in good deeds and gifts of mercy that she was making.
This son of Ze·ruʹiah, must have adopted the saying
"Keep Your friends close, Keep your enemies closer"
Who is Joab?
(2 Samuel 3:27) . . .When Abʹner returned to Hebʹron, Joʹab took him aside inside the gate to speak with him privately. However, there he stabbed him in the abdomen, and he died; this was for killing his brother Asʹa·hel.
(2 Samuel 20:9, 10) 9 Joʹab said to A·maʹsa: “Are you all right, my brother?” Then with his right hand, Joʹab took hold of A·maʹsa’s beard as if to kiss him. 10 A·maʹsa was not on guard against the sword that was in Joʹab’s hand, and Joʹab stabbed him with it in the abdomen, and his intestines spilled out on the ground. He did not have to stab him again; once was enough to kill him. . . .
Snow White for a little while, maybe?
(Numbers 12:10) 10 The cloud moved away from over the tent, and look! Mirʹi·am was struck with leprosy as white as snow. . . .
She was as beautiful as her Brother was handsome
(2 Samuel 13:1) . . . Now David’s son Abʹsa·lom had a beautiful sister named Taʹmar, ....
He said “Can anything good come out of Nazʹa·reth?”
Na·thanʹa·el s
(John 1:46) 46 But aid to him: “Can anything good come out of Nazʹa·reth?” Philip said to him: “Come and see.”
Egyptian Sea
Red Sea
(Exodus 10:19) 19 Then Jehovah caused the wind to shift, and it became a very stiff west wind, and it carried the locusts away and drove them into the Red Sea. Not a single locust remained in all the territory of Egypt.
(Isaiah 11:15) 15 Jehovah will divide the gulf of the Egyptian sea And wave his hand over the River. With his scorching breath he will strike it in its seven torrents, And he will cause people to walk across in their sandals.
The Color Purple
Who was Lydʹi·a,
(Acts 16: 14) And a woman named Lydʹi·a, a seller of purple from the city of Thy·a·tiʹra . . .
Gog of Magog
coalition of earthly nations
rr p. 240 Summary of Clarifications ***
Clarification: Gog of Magog refers to a coalition of earthly nations that will attack pure worshippers during the great tribulation.
a woman that is pretty but that is turning away from sensibleness is compared to this animal
As a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig,
(Proverbs 11:22) 22 As a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig, so is a woman that is pretty but that is turning away from sensibleness.
How we know Jacob could dance
(Genesis 29:1) . . . After that Jacob set his feet in motion . . .
*** it-2 p. 472 Nathanael ***
Na·thanʹa·el) [from Heb., meaning “God Has Given”].
Presumably the name of Bartholomew, hence one of Jesus’ 12 apostles. Bartholomew, meaning “Son of Tolmai,” was a patronymic term (that is, a designation derived from his father). The apostle John uses his given name Nathanael, whereas Matthew, Mark, and Luke call him Bartholomew. When doing so they associate Philip and Bartholomew together, in the same way that John links Philip with Nathanael. (Mt 10:3; Mr 3:18; Lu 6:14; Joh 1:45, 46) It was not uncommon for persons to be known by more than one name. For example, “Simon the son of John” also came to be known as Cephas and Peter. (Joh 1:42) Nor was it exceptional for Nathanael to be called Bartholomew, or the “Son of Tolmai,” as another man was called simply Bartimaeus, or “Son of Timaeus.” (Mr 10:46) The two names, Nathanael and Bartholomew, are used interchangeably by Christian writers of following centuries
This Judge literally took 77 Princes of Suc'coth to "the Briar patch" and gave them a whopping they won't forget because of their sassy mouths.
Who was Gideon?
(Judges 8:4-16) 4 Gideon then came to the Jordan and crossed it. He and the 300 men with him were tired, but they kept up the pursuit. 5 So he said to the men of Sucʹcoth: “Please give loaves of bread to the people following me, for they are tired and I am chasing after Zeʹbah and Zal·munʹna, the kings of Midʹi·an.” 6 But the princes of Sucʹcoth said: “Are the palms of Zeʹbah and Zal·munʹna already in your hand so that we should give bread to your army?” 7 At this Gidʹe·on said: “Just for that, when Jehovah gives Zeʹbah and Zal·munʹna into my hand, I will give you a thrashing with the thorns and the briars of the wilderness.”
14 En route he captured and interrogated a young man from Sucʹcoth. So the young man wrote out for him the names of the princes and elders of Sucʹcoth, 77 men. 15 With that he went to the men of Sucʹcoth and said: “Here are Zeʹbah and Zal·munʹna about whom you taunted me, saying, ‘Are the palms of Zeʹbah and Zal·munʹna already in your hand so that we should give bread to your exhausted men?’”
16 Then he took the elders of the city and with thorns and briars of the wilderness, he taught the men of Sucʹcoth a lesson.
Queen of the Heavens
*** it-2 p. 721 Queen of the Heavens ***
The title of a goddess worshiped by apostate Israelites in the days of Jeremiah
As far a revenge is concerned, His was 2 years in the making
(2 Samuel 13:23-28) 23 After two full years, Abʹsa·lom’s sheepshearers were at Baʹal-haʹzor, near Eʹphra·im, and Abʹsa·lom invited all the sons of the king. 24 So Abʹsa·lom came in to the king and said: “Your servant is having his sheep sheared. Please let the king and his servants go with me.” 25 But the king said to Abʹsa·lom: “No, my son. If all of us go, we will be a burden to you.” Although he kept urging him, he did not consent to go, but he blessed him. 26 Abʹsa·lom then said: “If not you, please let my brother Amʹnon go with us.” The king replied to him: “Why should he go with you?” 27 But Abʹsa·lom urged him, so he sent Amʹnon and all the king’s sons with him. 28 Then Abʹsa·lom ordered his attendants: “Watch, and when Amʹnon’s heart is in a cheerful mood from the wine, I will say to you, ‘Strike down Amʹnon!’ You must then put him to death. Do not be afraid. Is it not I who command you? Be strong and courageous.”
This will allow you to speak in tongues
The JW Language app
“Judas the son of James.”
3. One of the 12 apostles, also called Thaddaeus and In the listings of the apostles in Matthew 10:3 and Mark 3:18, James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus are linked together. In the listings at Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13 Thaddaeus is not included; instead we find “Judas the son of James,” leading to the conclusion that Thaddaeus is another name for the apostle Judas. The possibility of confusing two apostles named Judas might be a reason why the name Thaddaeus is sometimes used. Some translators render Luke 6:16 and Acts 1:13, “Judas the brother of James,” since the Greek does not give the exact relationship. But the Syriac Peshitta does supply the word “son.” Consequently, numerous modern translations read “Judas the son of James.” (RS, AT, NW, La) The only Biblical reference to Judas alone is at John 14:22. This verse refers to him as “Judas, not Iscariot,” thus providing a means of distinguishing which Judas spoke.