What does " make the bed" mean ?
Fe el llit
He isn't allowed to use the phone all day
He ________ use he the phone all day
He mustn /can't
What does " Face - to Face " mean ?
Cara a Cara
I am good at Maths but I don't speak English
I am good at Maths but I _____________ English.
can't speak
It's possibe that Jane will visit Switzerland newt year
Jane ___________ Switzerland next year
Could visit /Can visit
When the clothes are wrinked what do you do ?
Do to the ironing
Do you let me go to the toilet ?
_______________ I go to the toilet
Can I go /am I aloweed to go
A person who does medical research ?
John knew how to run
John _______________
could run
Don't park your car here. It is illegal
You __________ your car here
Musn't park /Can't park
My mother and I need to _____________ food
Shop for
It's forbidden to eat in class
You ____________ in class
musn't eat / can't eat
Synonym of trust
Rely on
My advice is to travel a lot more
You __________________ a lot more.
should travel
ought to travel
It's not necessary for him to pay now
He ___________ now
doesn't have to pay