How should one understand Bhawan to be Karta?
In Vachanamrut Gadhada I-74 Maharaj state, "If it is His wish, then Satsang will flourish; and if He wishes for it to decrease, then it will decrease. Moreover, if God seats us on an elephant, we should remain happy by sitting on an elephant; and if He seats us on a donkey, then we should remain happy by sitting on a donkey; but we should not harbour the slightest affection for anything except the holy feet of God. Thus, in whatever way Satsang develops according to His wish, we should remain content. If He so wishes, let everyone in the world become satsangis; or if He so wishes, let all satsangis cease to remain satsangis. But in no way should we harbour any joy or grief in our minds, because everything happens by the will of God."