A quadrilateral needs to have... (3 things)
4 sides, 4 vertices, and 4 angles
What is a right angle?
90 degrees (square corner)
A parallelogram has.... (3 things)
- Quadrilateral (4 sides, 4 angles, 4 vertices)
- Opposite sides are parallel
- Opposite sides are the same length
Yes, it just has to have 4 sides, 4 angles, and 4 vertices.
What shape has 3 sides?
- All 4 sides are the same length
- Opposite sides are parallel (2 pairs)
What am I?
What is an acute angle?
What does parallel mean?
Same distance apart, opposite, and never touch
Yes (a square has all sides the same length)
What shape has 5 sides?
- 4 sides are the same length
- 4 right angles
- Opposite sides are parallel (2 pairs)
What am I?
What is an obtuse angle?
Bigger than 90 degrees
Is every rectangle a square?
No (it does not have all 4 sides the same length)
Are all rhombuses squares?
What shape has 7 sides?
- 4 sides
- 4 right angles
- 2 pairs of parallel sides
- Opposite sides are the same length
- Not all sides are the same length
What am I?
How many right angles does a square and a rectangle have?
4 right angles
Is every square a rectangle?
Yes (it just has all 4 sides equal)
What is a polygon?
Closed shape (end and begin at the same point)
Straight lines
No curved sides
Has to have atleast 3 sides
What shape has 6 sides?
- 3 sides
- 3 angles
- 3 vertices
What am I?
How many right angles does a rhombus have?
0 (4 only if the square is also a rhombus)
Squares, Rectangles, Rhombus (both pairs of opposite sides are parallel)
What is a vertice?
Point or corner