How many different kinds of sharks are there?
200, 300, 400 or 1000?
There are just over 400 different kinds of sharks
Do sharks have bones?
No, Sharks do not have bones. Their skeleton is made of cartilage.
Why do sharks swing their head side to side when they swim?
This helps with sharks smelling and locating prey. They know which way the prey is depending on which nostril the smell hits.
How far away can sharks hear prey?
100ft, 500ft, 800ft, 100ft?
Sharks can hear struggling prey from over 800 feet away.
What is the name of the main shark in Finding Nemo
How many rows of teeth do most sharks have at one time?
Most harks have 2-15 rows of teeth at one time
What does a sharks oily liver help do?
The oily liver helps sharks stay buoyant (float) in the water instead of sinking.
Some sharks have great eyesight, but there are some that don't. What is an example of a shark that has terrible eye sight and may confuse a surfboard with a seal?
Great White Sharks
Where are sharks ears located?
Sharks ears are located on the side of their heads like us, but they do not look like our ears.
Finish the quote from Finding Nemo "Fish are friends, not ______"
How many teeth can the average shark lose in their lifetime?
100 , 1 thousand, ten thousand, 20 thousand
A shark can lose up to 20,000 teeth in it's lifetime.
How tall can some sharks Dorsal fins get?
Some sharks Dorsal Fins can reach up to 6ft tall!
What whale is an enemy of the Great White Shark?
Orca or Killer Whale
How many types of Hammerhead Sharks are there?
There are 10 different species of Hammerhead sharks.
What do sharks like to eat?
seals, sea lions, porpoises, dolphins and otters, but eat other marine animals such as fish and sea turtles.
What is the name of the largest shark that lived 23 million years ago?
There are 4 different things that help a shark swim through the water, name 1.
Their bodies are shaped like rockets.
Their tails (caudal fin) are powerful to push them through the water.
The pectoral fins help them steer
Their dorsal fin (top) helps to prevent them from rolling over
How do sharks breathe?
Sharks take water into their mouth and through gills to breath. Sharks do not have lungs.
What do the special sensors on a Hammerhead Sharks head do?
The special sensors on a Hammerhead Sharks head helps to pick up the electrical signals of other living creatures.
What shape are sharks teeth?
Sharks teeth are a triangular shape.
What animal is at the bottom of the Shark Food Chain
Phytoplankton or plants
How do sharks that have not developed an oily liver stay afloat?
They gulp air into their stomachs.
Some sharks may need to keep swimming to keep forcing water through their gills. But some are are able to rest on the ocean floor. What is a type of shark that does NOT need to swim to breathe?
Nurse Shark, White Tip Reef Shark, Lemon Shark and Wobbegong Sharks
What is countershading?
Sharks are darker on the top and lighter on the bottom to help camouflage themselves from predators and prey.
Do sharks chew their food?
Sharks use their teeth to grab their food and swallow it, they do not chew it.