Where do we celabrate Birkat Kohanim
What is Israel
The day Pesach Sheni is on
what is the 14th of Iyar
a person who takes a vow descibed in the torah
What is a nazir
Best oil to light the menorah wiht
What is olive oil
What was made in the Mishkhan for Chanukkah
What is a menorah
Whats the date of Pesach Sheni?
Pesach Sheni is the 14th of Iyar
What did we ask hashem to gift them with this mitzvah
What is Pesach Sheni
Who can become a Nazir
Type of food do we eat on Chanukkah
Oily food (Latkes, Donuts, etc)
The month was the mishkhan dedicated
What is the month Nissan
The second passover
What is the Pesach sheni
Hashem is protecting the Kohanim from
What are robbers
Food that Nazirs cant eat
what are grapes, wine,alchohol, grpe juice, rasins,anything grape flavor
What is the 25th of Kisslev
Completing the Mishkhan was like
What was like a wedding
Which Parsha is Pesach Sheni?
Parashat B'haalotcha
Pesach sheni is
What is the second chnace to eat the seider
Somone similar to a nazir when it comes to be impure from a dead body
What is a Cohen
The parsha we read of Channukah
What is Parshat Naso
The person who guided the proccess of the mihskhan being built
Who is Moshe
The blessing that is said when doing birkat Kohanim
what is Birkat Kohanim
Pesach sheni was made for
What are impure/sick people
Something Nazirs cant do
What is shaving
The Maccabbees winning over the greeks and the miracle of 1 jar of oil lasting 8 days
What is Chanukkah celabrating
Who got scared and anxious when Moshe asked for donations because they gave nothing the time before
Who are the Nassim