Nicknamed the "Piano Man", this artist born in 1949 is still active and currently touring.
Who is Billy Joel?
The 16th US president, and a popular construction toy for children.
Abraham Lincoln Logs
These submicroscopic infectious agents that replicate only inside the living cells of an organism infect all life forms on Earth.
What are viruses?
This Southeast Asian city-state, which became independent from Malaysia in 1965, is considered a "tax haven"
What is (the Republic of) Singapore?
This often transparent amorphous solid has widespread practical, technological, and decorative uses.
What is glass?
This British rock band formed in 1970 is the fifth best selling artist of all time.
Who is Queen?
The home of Perry Place, and a musical duo with the hits Rich Girl, Maneater, and You Make My Dreams (Come True).
Hitt Hall & Oates
Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, known as the Galilean Moons, are the four largest satellites orbiting this planet in our solar system.
What is Jupiter?
Mont Blanc, reaching an altitude of 15,776 ft, is the highest peak in this European mountain range.
This term describes a human cadaver mummified in a peat bog.
What is a bog body?
This music notation indicates how many notes of a particular type are contained in each measure.
What is a time signature?
Where you might pull over, and the home of Worsham Field.
Shoulder Lane Stadium
Between 900 and 1,300 locations around the world routinely release these to carry instruments to the stratosphere to collect atmospheric data.
What are weather balloons?
Oahu's 'Iolani Palace received this infrastructural upgrade in 1886, before even the White House.
What are electric lights?
These Germanic people played a major role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire, but their name is now better associated with a popular subculture.
What are Goths?
This percussion instrument is the national instrument of Trinidad and Tobago.
What is the steel pan (or steel drum)?
A 2012 teen comedy about a house party blown out of proportion, and an ongoing series of extreme sports competitions.
Project X Games
This common name refers to terrestrial gastropod molluscs that lack a shell.
What is a slug?
The people of this landlocked Southern African country speak primarily in their native language, Swazi.
What is Eswatini?
Majuscule and minuscule formally refer to these types of letters.
What are upper and lower case?
This 1994 debut studio album by Nas is considered a landmark album in East-coast hip hop.
What is illmatic?
The birds received on the second day of Christmas, and a common woodworking joinery technique.
Turtle Dove Tail
First performed by Thomas Young in 1801, this experiment demonstrates that light and matter can exhibit behaviors of both classical waves and particles.
What is the double-slit experiment?
This ocean liner had a career spanning 24 years from 1911 to 1935, in contrast to her short-lived sister ships, Titanic and Britannic.
What is the RMS Olympic?
This stream of charged particles released from the Sun's corona mostly consists of electrons, protons and alpha particles.
What is solar wind?