Teacher Induction
Han Article
Harmesan et al Article
Willis & Ingle Article
Mitchell et al Article

What is Teacher Induction?

“The term induction is used to describe the period when teachers have their first teaching experience and adjust to the roles and the responsibilities” (Nielsen et al., 2007, p. 15)”


What is teacher efficacy?

"a judgment of one's own capabilities to bring about de sired outcomes of student engagement and learning, even when students are difficult or unmotivated" (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001).


What is the main focus of the study conducted by Harmsen et al.?

The main focus of the study appears to be examining how induction programs affect stress

levels in beginning teachers over time.


Name of the main principal involved in the article?

Principal Hodge


Would you rather be inducted in person or online?

Answer dependent upon participant response. :)


True or False:

The practice of Induction is only done in educational related careers?



What is the main focus of Han X's 2023 study?

The study focuses on examining the relationships between the helpfulness of teacher

induction programs, teacher self-efficacy, and the likelihood of first-year teachers remaining in

the profession.


Where was this research conducted?

The research was conducted at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.


What is OTES and why is it relevant?

OTES: Ohio Teacher Evaluation System

A system developed to track the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of teachers with an evaluation model that includes student growth and teacher performance. Data is collected by formal observation and by pre/post observational interviews, (Willis & Ingle, 2015).


A good induction program can substantially reduce the chances of a teacher leaving the profession before the first how many years?

Five years


From the powerpoint, what are some of the outcomes of a successful teacher induction?

Eases the transition into a new educational setting,

Reduces anxiety and uncertainty,

Improves retention of teachers and students,

Enhances performance and satisfaction.


How might teacher self-efficacy be related to the effectiveness of induction programs?

The study likely explores how helpful induction programs may contribute to increased teacher

self-efficacy, which is a teacher's belief in their ability to effectively perform teaching tasks and

positively impact student learning.


What is meant by "induction" in the context of this study?

In this context, "induction" likely refers to structured support programs designed to help new

teachers transition into their roles and adapt to the demands of the profession.


"Studies that examined the relationship between principal evaluations of teachers and quantitative measures of student achievement reveal that the two measures are positively but that the relationships are..."



What concepts dominate research and discussion when online induction is being reviewed?

"(a) the creation of cybercommunities, typically focusing on mutual interest without much reference to any organized professional development curriculum, and/or (b) the innovative character of the digital technologies themselves and their ability to create mentoring networks through which more experienced teachers are able to get in touch with, and stay in touch with, novices," (Mitchell et al, 82).


Name one theory that you feel might contribute to a successful teacher induction, and explain why it would with a specific example off how that theory applies to induction.

Answer dependent upon participant response. :)


What is the significance of studying anticipated first-year teacher retention?

Understanding factors that influence new teachers' intentions to remain in the profession is

crucial for addressing teacher shortages and maintaining a stable, experienced workforce in



Why is studying the effects of induction on teacher stress important?

Studying these effects is important because high stress levels in beginning teachers can lead to

burnout, reduced job satisfaction, and potentially leaving the profession. Understanding how

induction programs impact stress can help in developing more effective support systems.


Fostering trust and professionalism in this type of environment is essential for helping to eliminate fear and distrust between supervisor and subordinate?

Union Environment


What are the seven cycles of inquiry? Can you name two of them?

"(a) building community to support learning, (b) effective management: student perception and engagement, (c) planning and analyzing student learning, (d) approaches to instructional design,(e) self-selected inquiry, (f) differentiating for success, and (g) strategies for a successful end of the year," (Mitchell et al, p. 92-93).


Can you list three vital educational participants and why they would be important in your educational Induction process?

Answer dependent upon participant response?


What potential implications could this study have for educational policy and practice?

The findings of this study could inform the design and implementation of more effective

teacher induction programs, potentially leading to improved teacher self-efficacy and increased

retention rates among new teachers.


What does the term "longitudinal" in the title suggest about the study's methodology?

The term "longitudinal" suggests that the researchers followed beginning teachers over an

extended period, likely collecting data at multiple points in time to observe how the effects of

induction on stress levels changed or developed over the course of their early careers.


These, "seek to formalize and standardize compensation and working conditions, provide a modicum of organizational security, and provide a means of addressing individual concerns and grievances," (Wills & Ingle, p. 71).

Collective Bargaining Agreement


While there are positive indications for optimism in future online induction programs, there needs to be further research regarding how these types of interactions occur, (Mitchel et al, 2015). 

Coach and candidate interactions within an online environment
