Shelter Rules
Coping Skills
Mental Health

What is the term that refers to the act of not sharing personal information?



How do you cope with your emotions?

It is different for everyone. Some people color, others read. As long as it works for you, you're right :)


What are the two most common Mental Health Conditions in the USA?

Anxiety and Depression


Kyle was having a bad day and voiced to his peers that he did not want to talk much and did not want to do many things that day. What was Kyle establishing and how would you establish your own?

Kyle was communicating his boundaries. Everyone communicates their boundaries differently, but as long as it doesn't come off aggressive or rude, you're good


I am made of metal surrounded by wood. Everyone uses me, What am I?

a Pencil

Define Contraband and list 5 things that would be considered shelter contraband.

Contraband is anything that may be considered dangerous to you or others and is not allowed in the shelter. Examples: Lighters, Vapes, Alcohol, Scarves, Bandanas, mirrors, weapons, outside food, phones, cameras, etc.


Name 3 Unhealthy coping skills?

Isolating, Stress Eating, Substance Use, Aggression, Denying Problems, Ignoring It, Impulsive or Risky Behaviors


True or False: Mental Health Conditions primarily develop from primarily genetics?

False. Genetic factors are always considered but there is also family history, environmental factors, history of trauma, life experiences, and other things.


Erica is feeling nervous because she's heard rumors around the shelter that her peers don't like her anymore. What coping skills could she use in order to calm her nerves?

Journaling, Talking to someone, drawing, coloring, etc.


What gives you the ability to walk through walls?



What are the 7 areas that you are graded on every day?

Morning Chores and Hygiene, School Attendance, Group Attendance, After Dinner Chores, Bedtime Hygiene, Respect, and Safety.


How can knowing your triggers/stressors help you?

So you can try to avoid situations that might stress you out or be ready to use coping skills.


PTSD, Panic Disorders, and OCD are all part of what category of disorders?

Anxiety Disorders


Jimmy felt embarrassed when his peers made fun of him for messing up his words when reading something out loud. Jimmy accepted that he was feeling embarrassed, asked staff to talk it out, and spent some time in the calming corner. What healthy coping skills did he use?

Recognized his emotion, Asked for help or to talk it out, and utilized the calming corner.


I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

A map


Describe a typical Thursday's schedule?

9AM - Wake Up, Eat Breakfast, Morning Hygiene

10AM - Shelter Clean Up

11AM - YDS Group

12PM - Lunch

1PM - Freetime

2PM - Case Manager Group/Other Activity

3PM - YDS Group/Snack

4PM - HOPE Group

5PM - Dinner/After Dinner Chores

6PM - Healthy Teens

7PM - Fitness

8PM - Evening Hygiene/Snack

9PM - O/OR Bedtime

9:30PM - C Bedtime

10PM - L Bedtime


What are some possible consequences of use unhealthy coping skills?

Illness, Loss of Relationships, Hospitalizations, Hurting yourself or others, etc.


What is the difference between a Therapist and a Psychiatrist?

Therapist is a licensed professional that talks you through any concerns or issues you might be experiencing while a Psychiatrist is a medical doctor that can prescribe medication, order any tests, or refer you to another specialist.


Joey felt embarrassed after he tripped and fell in the leadership room. He and his friend get into a fight because his friend said it was his fault for walking to fast. Michael begins to believe him and considers running away. Describe actions that can happen to make the situation better.



A man was driving his truck. His lights were not on, the moon was not out, and there were no streetlights. Up ahead, a woman was crossing the street. Luckily, the truck driver stopped in time. How did he see her?

It was daytime.


List and Describe each level and the requirements in order to go up a level. 

Orientation - First 24 Hours in Shelter. Must be on this level for 24 hours before leveling up and must stay in the shelter. In order to level up to Citizenship, you must complete the Citizen Scavenger Hunt. 

Citizenship - Allowed to attend outings and has basic privileges in shelter. In order to level up to Leadership, you must be on Citizenship for 48 hours, complete a leadership activity and continue to avoid behavioral issues. 

Leadership - Highest level in shelter. Must complete a leadership activity once a week in order to maintain level and now have the option to pick one extra privilege. Has access to leadership room (usually after dinner or when staff allows) can also stay up 30 minutes past bedtime, choose your own chore, earn one extra shelter dollar for shelter store. 

Ownership - Any negative or inappropriate behavior will result in being placed on ownership level for 24 hours. In order to level up, an Ownership form must be completed and reviewed with staff. While on this level, must stay in shelter (no outings). When level is returned again, it is returned to Citizenship.


When do healthy coping skills become unhealthy?

When it is done excessively or to the point where it is not safe.


What is the difference between being excited and anxious?

When you're excited about something, you have positive energy and are mostly happy. When you're anxious, it's mainly surrounding negative energy and worry or dread.


Jessica has shown irritability all day at school and as her friend, she comes to you. The way she is talking to you is very loud, aggressive and her body language is aggressive and making you uncomfortable. How would you react to this?

Voice to her that you're uncomfortable, recommend speaking to a teacher, trying talking to her yourself, etc.


I start with M, end with X, and I have any number of letters inside me. What am I?

